been seeing quite alot of my old friends in town lately. Yes, i SAW you, but i didn't say hi, hahah sorry. Caught the movie swing girls last thursday. it was not bad albeit a tad unrealistic. ![]() Caught the movie white skin at cine yesterday too. its introduces one to the world of the succubus, mutant human females who survive by feeding on human flesh. an alternate type of vampire of sorts. other than a few boob shots, the movie was a flop. 8.50$$$ down the drain. yesterday while at holland v, after a night out with the guys, i realized something. i could get certain things if i really wanted it. its actually quite easy. ![]() anyway, class gathering coming up. sorry fairsians, not this time. i'll be organizing for my jc classmates. its gonna be... fun. heh heh click the following for some really nice music(thanks zan!)... still can't find the music for that singtel ad though... Savant at 3/26/2005 12:10:00 pm ; (0) comments this week has been real busy for me. endless deadlines, men problems, unit problems, guard duty, the list goes on. that's why i took the opportunity to take off for today. since tommorrow is good friday, i'll be off till sunday! one thing though, why is it so god damn hazy these days? is miss megawati smoking again in indonesia? Savant at 3/24/2005 02:15:00 pm ; (0) comments ![]() i had the weirdest dream last night. but i think i could have forgotten what it was about. ha. ![]() its a sunday today. what shall i do? hmmm anybody wants to go see Albert Tiu's rendition of rachmaninoff's 2nd piano concerto with the SSO? Msg me asap! think i shall just stay home today and catch the F1 race at Sepang. M.schumacher has been having a rough period lately, hopefully he won't disappoint today. Oh yes, have you guys seen the new star wars III trailer? its fucking good! i think its one of the best ever. the movie opens on 19th may i think. Yeah, can't wait. Savant at 3/20/2005 11:48:00 am ; (0) comments horror unfolding on chn5 right now -sylvester sim rapping -3 female singapore idol rejects singing -fiona xie singing(now what's with that?) -audience behaving as if they are having a really great time -seeing sylvester sing again pls la mediacock, chuck all these crap away and bring us some quality programmes. all the stupid channel 8 dramas and jack neo movies are all about the same thing: Morals and values that we should live by. absolutely bullcrap. good news, its exacty 362 more days to my ORD date. YAY, to hell with SAF.
can't wait to get back to school yes really... i can't wait... Savant at 3/19/2005 08:56:00 pm ; (0) comments I know i promised to put my thailand pictures up, but sadly, i'm am too lazy to.. for now. Things are going to get a little slow around here. Like all things, change is inevitable. Savant at 3/09/2005 06:26:00 pm ; (0) comments Thailand's real hot! Though, after having stayed there for 3 weeks, I conclude that Singapore is still more uncomfortable to live in. Its mostly the humidity issue. You don't perspire as much in Thailand. Pictures, those taken by my digital camera, will be up soon. Meanwhile, I shall bore you with a running commentary of the pictures i took using my phone. *ahem ahem* ![]() Entrance to our bunks, if you could call it a bunk that is... ![]() Our coolie quarters... Spring beds, lousy lockers (which had to be shared)... ![]() I took this picture while sitting in a rover. These are scouts moving off for some mission. Note the face masks, its freaking dusty over there. ![]() And so we climbed.... ![]() This large pothole was easily circumvent by our thai drivers... balls of steel. ![]() What we spent most of our time looking at... long stretches of dusty roads. ![]() Trust me, its safe to eat from these roadside stalls, unless you can't get used to the taste of dust... ![]() I took this picture because i liked what i saw. ![]() Here's another. Don't they look like remote control toys to you? ![]() I suck at tying my hammock. Shortly after, I decided to spare my back the torture and slept in my sleeping bag instead. ![]() This is what we call a sniper's perch. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there, even though sometimes, i miss the comforts back home. One thing for sure though, is that people are the same everywhere. Regardless of race, wealth/poverty, culture. I realised we are all really weak, mentally. It's pathetic. Savant at 3/06/2005 01:09:00 pm ; (0) comments