I don't know if you guys know of this girl called Olivia Ong. those with realplayer, click on this link to see how she looks like, http://www.s2sj.com/incense/olivia/rm/500k.rm she's a beauty ain't she. i dunno about you, but the fact that she sings bossa nova and really knows what she wants makes her truly sexy and beautiful. how many girls in singapore can sing bossa nova, or even swing? Savant at 6/28/2005 11:58:00 pm ; (3) comments ![]() pretty funny ![]() Savant at 6/25/2005 01:05:00 pm ; (2) comments
eg. wet towel on my parent's bed. iron left on the ironing board. my mother was pretty angry and sent me an sms while i was in town, giving me a piece of her mind. now the question is, is it fair to complain when one does a mistake? let's say i have a bad habit of forgetting to turn off the lights in my house(which i actually did have). then let's say over a span of 1000 days, i remembered to turn off the lights. but then on the 1001th day, i forgot. then i get this shelling. we don't get praised for remembering. but we get a good treshing for forgetting something once in a while... the reason we are even being scolded, was because that a mistake was done. otherwise it would be normal every day. nothing said. no scoldings, no praises. think about it. its really weird. i find it really weird. it irks me to the core. its like doing the right thing for a thousand years, and when you just forget for just ONE day. your parents make it seem like you have not learnt a thing. or worse like in my case, they MAKE me FEEL like they want me to believe that they feel disappointment in me. luckily for me, i'm not affected by these trivial normal human feelings.( do you have to feel disappointed with yourself just because they do?) they complain when i forget to close their door, whenever i enter with the aircon on. -my mum sometimes do that too when she enters my room, she leaves it wide open, but i don't say anything. WHY? i wouldn't realise it if she didn't make that mistake. and that mistake could be because she forgot, this time. this rare occasion that happens once in a millenia. i can think in that way. why can't they. CAN YOU? or will you just be another normal singaporean parent in the future. teaching your kids how to rush for places in the mrt and buses. how to be kiasu. how to be so singaporean. how to be so, human. Savant at 6/25/2005 09:58:00 am ; (0) comments batman begins was good actually! it was a really fresh change from your usual batman-kick-some-stupid-colourful-criminal-ass type of movie. katie holmes was gorgeous and i though christian bale looked really appropriate as batman. met some really old friends in town today, was surprised that they could still recognise me. some of them have really grown much prettier. makes me wonder what the rest of the people i know are doing right now. till then! Savant at 6/19/2005 12:33:00 am ; (0) comments consider this.... if i told you, "I would like to make money through the weakness of people ie by selling them religious stuff, or stuff that they consider neccessary for their faith". what would you think of me? what if i had said this instead. "My dream is to open my own shop selling (whatever stuff people require for their faith), because i believe in this said faith and i want to provide a service to the people who believed in said faith" which would sound nicer. which would make me sound like a bastard? but can you see any similarity? can you see no matter what my purpose for the said business, the end result would be:People buying my stuff what is most important is whether i care about what you think my goals are. Which, in this case, I don't really give a damn. no matter what our intention is, like what i proposed to you above, if people end up feeling happy for the stuff they bought. aren't you helping them? can you tell if i'm just exploiting them? or just simply helping them with my sincere heart? to me, my world isn't about what people think about me. because it does not matter to me at all. do you care about public opinion? can you afford not to? not many can. Savant at 6/16/2005 06:04:00 am ; (0) comments All it takes is a dream to sieze your life. it controls your thinking, your diet. your Motor. i dreamt of her again last night. Savant at 6/14/2005 05:40:00 am ; (0) comments 11th June 2005 Father's Birthday. Place was the newly relocated Chico's and Charlie's ![]() Some Prawn thing... ![]() I had pork floss tortilla wraps!!! ![]() Groupie ![]() Fantastic 4... ~~~~~~~ Savant at 6/12/2005 06:57:00 pm ; (3) comments Who is John Galt? This question, expressed in frustration, is a rhetorical cry for assistance to understand a society that is rapidly decaying. It is an apparently meaningless question, yet everyone understands the sense of despair the question implies. No one seems to understand exactly what is going wrong, just that something is. Except, perhaps, for one man: John Galt. Who is John Galt? Real or imaginary? Man or god? Savior or destroyer? Who is John Galt? He is the man who stopped the motor of the world; the first to stand against the looters' creed of from each according to his ability, to each according to his need; the man who leads the strike of the men of the mind. John Galt is the man who lives without fear or guilt; the man who sacrifices neither his love nor his values; the man who knows that achieving life is not the equivalent of avoiding death. John Galt is the man who lives by the oath: "I swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." ~ i came home early today. its the same old thing each weekend. the same old pretty crowd. that citibank booth near heeren. the posers in front of cineleisure. the same old people. so i figured, heck, save some money come back home. and read my new book... wise choice... Savant at 6/11/2005 10:43:00 pm ; (0) comments i had a very good weekend.............. booked out on saturday night after a defence mission. since i was so damn fucking tired, i fell asleep that night. come sunday, i could only spend half the day out in town as i have to book in by ten pm. not to mention the seriously itchy rash i developed behind my neck. how i hate mosquitoes and sandflys(biting midges)... 1 more week till the exercises end. 2 more weeks till my course ends. 3 more weeks to normality in my unit. not to mention the standby duties we have to do, the endless number of regimental duties i have acquired while i was on course, once i get back to camp. its gonna be really draggy. http://www.talkingcock.com/html/article.php?sid=1710 quite true. how sad. Savant at 6/05/2005 08:02:00 pm ; (2) comments its currently 534am in the morning. i'm sitting in the dark in the company rest room using the computer. today is mission day. and i have a very stressful appointment. i'm suffering my ass off in this course while my friends back in the battalion have long weekend breaks or many days off. somehow i always feel i'm always the only one doing the most work. perhaps i am.... Savant at 6/03/2005 05:38:00 am ; (1) comments