this Carnival@Marina thing is really draining me. well, in case you folks are still in the dark, i've asked to be pulled out from emcee-ing. coincidently, as i was voicing out my request, they told me that they had already considered something else for me to do. that's just fantabulous. show's the lack of planning all of you people have. you've put me into something which i was totally not comfortable with and, now that i'm out, i feel like a walking failure(i dun actually feel that of course, but its seems that way to people). u guys have made a complete mockery out of me. well i guess that's that. national day is coming. for you folks waching the live telecast at home, please appreciate that fact that a whole division of poor NSFs(plus some "patriotic" regulars) were activated for NDP 2005. please remember we had to brave rain and waterlogged ground in order to make that one day perfect. not to mentioned the countless number of people who had to cancel their weekend plans because of rehearsals. NDP may look nice. but the people who are working behind the scenes have actually the least idea of how the whole show looks like. ponder about that for a while. Savant at 7/29/2005 10:17:00 pm ; (0) comments i'm glad we'd talked last night. we certainly cleared alot of things up. and now, it's time we focused on "us"... =) Savant at 7/25/2005 01:34:00 pm ; (0) comments in case you faggots are wondering, i'm currently busy with NDP. no... not the padang one you dope, its the one at Marina South. Carnival @ Marina cool name SIA! this cool event will run from the 6th to the 14th of august everyday. here's a treat(or not rather!), i'll be emcee-ing with my friend marcus on the 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th. marcus has a chiefly aussie accent. i don't have no accent. i have no idea why i was selected. i have had no experiences in public speaking before. worse still, i have a fear of speaking to mass of spastic singaporeans who are judging you every single second. i didn't volunteer for this shit if you are wondering, i was supposed to be giving out goodie bags at the area where the fireworks will be launched. but then my good ol commanders chose me for this highly sort after "job". its true when everyone says our job is slack. we sit in air-conditioned rooms and we hardly move a muscle. the rest of the guys are pulling plastics sheets over the soccer field with the sun beating down on their backs, carrying barricades, digging wire holes for explosives, or simply laying lines in the drains. i'm trying my best to sound presentable. i don't have a choice. yeah it sure is slack. but by just sitting there, i feel like i'm being tortured. its a torture trying to read and sound good. its a torture for me if you wanna know. some of the folks out there, who'd lived in caucasian countries since the dawn of evolution, think they can do a better job than me. i'm sure they can. but i'm trying my best too. so quit bitching bitch. Savant at 7/24/2005 12:20:00 pm ; (4) comments there was once, when i was in my kitchen preparing breakfast, that a very interesting conversation popped up between my mum and I. she caught me spreading peanut butter using the back of a spoon. she was extremely puzzled and asked me why i was doing that. i obliged. i told her that it was definitely much easier to spread butter or peanut butter with the back of a spoon rather than a butter knife. she didn't understand it though, or rather she chose not to agree with me. But i don;t blame her, it was also no fault of hers.(It must be made known to all of you that, while i do write a lot of angst-y stuff about my mother, she isn't the only parent that constantly banters about the things i do in life) *I think my mum reads this trashy blog of mine too. no offence hor mum.* I shall now begin my lesson on the wonderful world of shapes. World of Shapes Lesson 101what's the difference between the back of a spoon and a butter knife? plenty! Let's examine two very similar products of the same principal: The double edged sword and the samurai knife. much like the spoon and the butter knife, one of them has a curved side, and one of them, a straight edge. Now here is where the difference lies. A samurai knife is sharper than mr-king-arthur's-touchy-double-edged-excalibur-sword by virtue of its curviness. pressure=amount of force divided over a certain area right? if you laid a samurai knife on a flat table, due to its curvature, only a small point of the knife would be in contact with the table. thus when one strikes with a samurai knife, all your chi and EMO(how cool is that? EMO *rolls eyes*) frustrations will be focused on that one small point. king arthur's butter knife though, has a straight edge, thus the force used would be spread all over the straight edge. Now, back to the topic of breakfast! when you use the back of a spoon to spread your gu niu(hokkien for cows' milk, aka butter, etc), you get a more even spread. Trust me. a butter knife would be useful if bread was really hard and straight. But since bread isn't hard, and it usually conforms to the concave shape of your hand, a straight butter knife is pretty useless. unless of course you are spreading butter on a toast or biscuit, but then again, the spoon routine would still work fine. so there YOU HAVE IT!!! World of Shapes Lesson 101. now spread the word. You have all been conned all these years, buying useless unwanted letter openers masquerading as butter spreaders. now you know! ps: don't get me started on fortune tellers, feng shui-ers, clairvoyants. if i do, you would realise that everything is fake and you would find no meaning in life. thus the probability of you taking your own life is very real, we wouldn't want that do we? so just go on being a mindless follower of society's crazy routines. Savant at 7/16/2005 09:37:00 am ; (0) comments Past vs Present 2005 @ Fairfield![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Savant at 7/10/2005 10:09:00 am ; (0) comments i've failed, in my role as a son, brother and friend. they got hurt. but they didn't know about it. i didn't do anything about it. Savant at 7/05/2005 11:45:00 pm ; (0) comments ![]() this is wrong. stop wearing it. ![]() this is a fashion faux pas, stop wearing it. i don't care if you have 50 of these in assorted colours. wearing one of these is just lame. stop it. supporting cancer research? do it because you want to, not because you want show that you are one. we want people who give willingly, not people who give because they want a yellow rubber thing because they think its cool. Savant at 7/03/2005 01:55:00 pm ; (0) comments there had been 3 deaths over the past 3 weeks. all these 3 servicemen were doing light training when they suddenly collapsed and died. no it doesn't just affect the old, it affects the 20ish too. it could happen to me. what would happen if i had died in my sleep? --- had a movie outing last thursday night. war of the worlds, the movie, was great. I thought the story sucked though. if the aliens have been observing us for countless millenia, they would have at least understood some basics about our biology. even the most amateur of scientist or students understand that, if you want to study something living, you'll have to cut it up and study its biology. some might say that they have only observed from a distance. probably. but won't they have had observed people falling sick, getting injured? that would have stirred them into doing some kind of research won't it. H G Wells might be cool. but he ain't fantastic. actually no writer is. not even this Neil Gaimen guy that i've read about recently. there isn't such a thing as a great writer. because all great writers are bound by limits. rational limits. logical limits. neil gaimen and H G Wells wrote characters that were out of this world(mind the pun), literally, with their "The Sandman" and "Tripods (those alien things in WOTWorlds). all had arms and legs and eyes. no writer can venture beyond the limits of logic, the limits of mathematics. no writer can write about a creature of a thing that is alive in the aural universe, instead of the usual visual one. no writer can imagine a creature that views its world besides the use of arms, legs, skin and eyes. this is because once a writer decides to sit down and write his story, he has already resigned himself to the limits of this world. the limits of human understanding. much like how the words in a book are resigned to being trapped within the confines of the book it describes. i can confidently say that no writer can do the abovementioned. why? because the words they write already belong to this visual universe which we have come to accept as something familiar in our lives. no writer can do something amazing besides writing on paper. that is why i can say no writer is great. no writer can describe his ideas in other ways. not even YOU, who's reading this now, can think of a way to tell a story other then to pen it down. because like everyone, we are all bound by logic and reason. you will ask "how else then can i tell people my ideas if i do not write it down?" we have become trapped in this bubble of logic and reason. where 1+1=2 if i told you to think of 1+1=3 and not 2(but not just substituting FIGURE 2 for 3) can you do it? i'll let you kow the answer, you can't but you would have just felt the skin of the bubble that separates us from "logic" and the ultimate truth. oh man. i rule. Savant at 7/02/2005 11:42:00 am ; (0) comments