5SIR Wins 3DIV Challenge TrophyHundreds gathered at MacRitchie today for what is one of the most important events of the year. The annual 3DIV cross country challenge pits teams from different units under 3DIV's wing. Race was at 4pm, my team and I gathered at around 240pm for the usual briefing and warm up routines. It was kind of hard not to feel intimated by the huge turnout, especially since we heard that many of the runners there could run the 7km route in 23 minutes (the normal running time for the average runner is about 28-31 minutes). I thought to myself, "Oh gosh, looks like its just gonna be a fun run for me today." 4pm arrived. At the sound of the hand held horn, the whole lot of us took off. There was alot of jostling for places in the beginning sprint. Luckily for my team, we'd trained to burst off for the first 100 meters. The end result? Most of my team members and I were already ahead of the whole mass of bodies. Anyway, to cut a long story short. My team came in the fastest. I was placed 15th. Best of all, my unit won the challenge trophy. We are the Champions this year! Totally surreal.... (@_@) ~ Now, I'm just waiting for the weekend to arrive. Savant at 10/27/2005 07:10:00 pm ; (0) comments Do not watch The Dukes of Hazzard. it's lame. Do not watch Deuce Bigelow. it's lame too. But, do catch The Skeleton Key. Nice little twist in the end. this week has whizzed past like a fly on heat. Monday beckons(wth, it's already Monday), and with it another work week. Zzzz things i did this week: -Played DOTA -Had diarrhea -Ran -Had diarrhea -Went to Little India -Had diarrhea -went to geyland serai -Had... you get the picture. god knows what i ate, or rather, didn't eat. stomach's been really "fine" these few days. even my dear little Ultracarbon tablets were not helping. Hope all will be well soon. -groan- Savant at 10/17/2005 01:17:00 am ; (0) comments went back to camp yesterday to unpack my stuff. my friends and I were done unpacking in about 15 mins. we changed back into our CV attire and began the long walk out of camp. 11am. First event of the day: DOTA DOTA DOTA DOTA DOTA i popped down just to see what's the excitement all about over a lil' computer game. basically a game where you fight using heros with different abilities, and the end state would be trying to destroy your opponent's ancient building. ![]() end of the day. they played 4 rounds. and it took 4 hours! an average of an hour per round. poor me had to sit thru as the same thing happened over and over again. periodic shouting. LAN shop owner coming around to sell drinks and food. more shouting. kill... kill.. kill. win. lose. wow. ~ my friends' faces were obviously beaming after they were done. they'd skipped lunch, some of them were fasting, but they were obviously un-hungry. so we headed down to town for part 2: The Dukes of Hazzard. the show sucked... period. but, DUN take my word for it. go catch it and decide for yourself. YOU might find their actions and dry humor funny.... just in case -grin- :p ![]() well everyone started leaving after the show, and i was left with 1 friend. this certain friend of mine, Mr Shafiq started asking about how one would know if a girl is interested in a guy. i proceeded to teach him a little about reading certain female body language and micro gestures(i'm just telling him what i know from what i read, not because i believe it works or anything, so quit bitching Bitch). then he said something interesting: "I realised that alot of girls are sleeping around" me:-shrug- well friend, its not just the girls, the guys too. the kids are doing it too. now.... there isn't a need for anyone to get philosophical about being virtuous or pure. or more importantly, whether its correct or sinfully wrong, its because it really doesn't matter the reality is... Your classmates, Your friends, that "nice" and "innocent" girl that you'd a crush on, sec. school & JC students have always been sleeping around. no worries. till you get a fat tummy. WAhahahaa Savant at 10/11/2005 10:07:00 am ; (0) comments I'm back from rainy brunei. no worries though, i'm fine thank you. training wasn't that tough. well actually... it was... kinda. but i guess i was expecting much more. ![]() i was expecting swamplands, long thick branches that "catch" you as you pass. leeches. mosquitoes. frustration. none of that happened. ~ anyway. i was wondering... how hard is it for one to remember the things that we say. sometimes the things we say mean so much more than we realise. ![]() like... how you told your mum you'll attend her birthday and give her precedance on that special day. but you forgot. it would be easier.... if things were.... forgotten so easily. Savant at 10/09/2005 01:02:00 am ; (0) comments I'm back.....Savant at 10/07/2005 05:11:00 pm ; (0) comments