Sometimes when I feel like it, I write "anti-god" messages in my msn nickname(anti-god is in quotes because, well, I don't believe in god, er.. I mean God.). People(ahemchristiansahem) who see my nickname and get agitated often message me and ask me why I write such things. But first thing's first, why do people who usually do not bother talking to me suddenly decide to talk to me? I mean, I ain't dumb, it's obvious. It has to do with my nickname. But .... Why ...... do they become incessently chit-chatty all of a sudden? I guess it's because they feel unhappy that I insulted their God. But wait. Who are they to say what I write is wrong? What are they comparing it to? Why is it that they can write their Godly messages as their MSN nicknames and preach while I have to watch what I say? I know why, and here's why: They think what they are doing is holy and right. After all, if they parrot what they read in the bible and put it in their MSN nickname, they are only spreading their God's word right? Which means it is good, and should be spread to the masses, hence anything that goes against their teachings is automatically bad and wrong and insensitive (eg. Me). This shows one thing. They think extremely highly of themselves. They feel that just because they attend church, read the bible, pray every night, and become nice once a week (on sundays... before, during and until after church), they are BETTER than non-believers. They believe they know something the rest don't. They believe they are SPECIAL, and they have a purpose in life, which is to 'save' non-believers. They believe they can make the world a better place. Well you know what? They are wrong. So wrong. They might think that writing anti-god messages is insentive, but if everyone on their contact list doesn't believe in God, then their Godly MSN nicknames would become an INSULT to the non-believers wouldn't it? It then becomes something BAD in non-believers' eyes. Do non-believers message believers suddenly and ask them to denounce their god? Lead a god-less life, or not do good? No. I know I don't bother believers and tell them to unconvert. I don't message them and ask them to stop going church. I don't ask them to let down their hair and try one of the 7 sins. So likewise, they should not bother people with church invites, godly messages, and the supremely irritating conversation line, "Hello (so and so), how are you?" [By the way, insurance agents like to use this line too, it is still irritating though, especially when I know they do not usually message me online] The gate swings both ways you know... Therefore, if you feel insulted after reading my 'anti-god' MSN nickname, remember that I can feel insulted by reading your Godly MSN nickname too. If you are not happy about it, take down yours, and I'll take down mine. If you do not want to take it down, don't expect me to take it down. And don't try to be friendly with me. You don't have to try, your god knows you are lying to yourself. You are NOT NICE. Trust me, I know. And yes, we will both be happy then, and go on living our ignorant lives. Savant at 9/13/2007 01:10:00 am ; (0) comments Cornet section BBQ at Claire's houseOnce again, the annual section gathering was held at claire's place again. Claire graciously opened her house to all of us and even bought the food. ![]() Yes, you can see how gentlemenly we are.... The cups we are holding contains Ben & Jerry's Ice cream, we had 5 different tubs of flavours
Satisfied and fat from eating all the food and ice cream......
Went bowling with my gf after everything at The Cheverons. Their lanes were kinda oily, had fun using the 6 pound ball. And no, I don't usually use a 6 pound ball, just FYI. That's it, I'm beat. And i smell like smoke. Till then. Savant at 9/02/2007 01:47:00 am ; (0) comments