Wednesday, January 09, 2008
I'm starting to hate school.
1/09/2008 10:36:00 am ;
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Thursday, January 03, 2008
My apologies for my blog being on hiatus for such a long time. There are many times when I really wanted to blog about a topic, but the bloody page for you to type your post takes so long to load that, before the page loads I would have already lost interest.
The reason why I am a little patient today is that I found an interesting site containing commonly mis-pronounced words.
And here they are:
across (a-CROSS) - Incorrect: (a-CROST)
athlete (ATH-leet) - Incorrect: (ATH-a-leet)
Arctic (ARC-tic) - Incorrect: (AR-tic)
comfortable (COM-fort-a-ble, COMF-ta-ble) - Incorrect: (COMF-ter-ble)
electoral (eh-LEK-tor-al) - Incorrect: (eh-lek-TOR-al)
espresso (ess-PRESS-oh) - Incorrect: (ex-PRESS-oh)
February (FEB-roo-air-y) - Incorrect: (Feb-yoo-air-y)
figure (FIG-yer) - Incorrect: (fig-er)
forte (FORT) - Correct only as the music term: (for-TAY)
insouciant (in-SOO-see-ant) - Incorrect: (in-SOO-shant)
lambaste (lam-BASTE) - Incorrect: (lam-BAST)
library (LIBE-rare-ee) - Incorrect: (LIBE-air-ee)
menstruation (men-stroo-A-shun) - Incorrect: (men-STRAY-shun)
minuscule (MIN-uh-skyool) - Incorrect: (MIN-ih-skyool)
nuclear (NUKE-lee-ar) - Incorrect: (NUKE-yoo-lar)
nuptial (NUP-shul) - Incorrect: (NUP-shoo-al)
often (OFF-en) - Incorrect: (OFT-en)
percolate (PERC-o-late) - Incorrect: (PERC-u-late)
plenitude (PLEN-i-tude) - Incorrect: (PLENT-i-tude)
probably (PROB-ab-ly) - Incorrect: (PRAH-bal-ly, PROB-ly)
pronunciation (pro-NUN-see-A-shun) - Incorrect: (pro-NOUN-see-A-shun)
realtor (RE-al-tor) - Incorrect: (REAL-a-tor)
supposedly (sup-POSE-ed-ly) - Incorrect: (sup-POSE-ab-ly)
taut (TAUT) - Incorrect: (TAUNT)
toward (TOW-ward) - Incorrect: (TOR-ward)
One thing I don't understand is why everybody pronounces "Clerk" as Clark, and not Cluh-urk. Oh yes, and Hashbrown too. I just don't get how people can be so stupid to pronounce it as HUSH-brown. I just don't get it. It's HASH-brown.
I don't see you pronouncing "Trash" as "Trush", or "Mash" as "Mush", so why HUSH-brown?!?!? Actually, I think some people pronounce Mash potatoes as Smash-Potatoes also. Open your eyes and read the word. The fucking pronunciation is already contained in the spelling of the word, so why is it so difficult.
I swear I'm gonna sock the next person who says "At-tur-leet" (Athlete), "Hushbrown" (Hashbrown) or "Clark" (Clerk).
1/03/2008 12:10:00 am ;
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