Monday, October 20, 2003
Burnt my fucking hand when i was ironing my shirt today, the skin got all red and started swelling. The skin started peeling and now its just raw flesh, hurts like hell...Strange how i tot of God when i got burnt, could it be a punishment? Nahhhhh
I shouldn't have gone to school today, 3 hours of GP can bore you to death. Worse is when it is summary writing..... Isn't that secondary school stuff?Anyway only half of the class turned up, smart.
Today is the 3rd week to a levels. Reality check, 3 weeks is a very very short time, its just 21 days. Considering the amount of work I put in in a day, I would not have time to finish everything before the As begin.
One of my rich classmates said that if she could not get into a Singapore Uni, she'll go overseas. What the fuck man! Most of us are dying to study overseas, experience another culture, and probably have this one chance to have quality teachers in music or some other stuff. She has the cash and she wants to stay in Singapore!? Hope this isn't some personal challenge of hers...

Bought a new Deuter bag, Quasar. They din have yellow but i guess blue will do fine

Savant at 10/20/2003 04:45:00 pm ;

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