This is gonna draw fire from you guys... "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." Genesis 1:26 The Bible has a crisis from the very beginning in that Biblical translators have chosen to use the word "God" for the Hebrew term 'Elohim.' The problem, here lies in the fact that Elohim represents the plural form of 'El.' Elohim literally means 'gods.' A more honest translation of Verse 1 should read, "In the beginning Gods created the heaven and the earth," and in Verse 26: "And the Gods said..." Note, when anyone questioned this plurality, Christian priests tried to resolve this sticky problem by using the concept of the Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Ghost) or the heavenly angels to explain the plurality. The problem here comes that if they truly believed this, then why not use the proper plural translation in the first place? Substituting a singular term for the plurality of the Trinity or other heavenly agents amounts to dishonesty or subterfuge 1. The concept of the Christian Trinity was invented long after the invention of Christianity. The old and the new testament never use the word "Trinity." However, the concept of pagan Trinities were believed long before Christianity and, no doubt, influenced the Christian concept (Plato, for example expressed the concept of a Greek Trinity). 2.The Hebrew word Elohim mistranslated in Bibles as "God" is actually a plural form ("El" is the singular form). Properly translated it should read "gods" (not God). If, indeed, the US and OUR words signify the Trinity, then why didn't the Bible translators translate Elohim to its proper form to express the Trinity? Why the need to cover up the Trinity with a false translation? And why are modern translators still mistranslating it? Savant at 10/12/2003 10:57:00 pm ;
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