Went to see the doctor today at the polyclinic. Before they could let me enter, had to take my temperature and had to wear a mask. For a moment i tot i had SARS. Hmm, the thought of catching SARS did not cross my mind at all, i wondered if i could have caught it. Anyway, to cut a long story short, i saw the doctor and went to get my prescription. I only had 10 bucks with me at that point, and i was billed $13.30. I had to walk so far to find an ATM to withdraw money. And guess what, when i went back, they found out that i was a student and that they had overcharged me. I got back change instead, talk about wasting time. 33 days left to the a levels guys..... Chem prac's next tuesday........ *shiverrrr* Savant at 10/09/2003 07:58:00 pm ;
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