Saturday, November 08, 2003
Its late. I just wanna post a short and important entry.

What is faith? Its a "firm belief in something for which there is no proof."

If human value could be measured outside the
skewed perspective of the collective ego it might
look something like this; if only one individual
existed on planet Earth they would be the most
important human. If two people existed their
individual significance would be divided in half
(1/2). If six thousand million people existed on
Earth what would the individual significance of
each one be? A simple equation shows the value as
the fractional percentage of the whole population
plus any incidental, conjectural additives from
education, training, intelligence etc.
Presupposing this Marxian values system of
universal equality the formula for individual
human value is:

1/p + (E/p)

p = current world population

E = years of education, training, work experience

So in a world of six billion people your
uneducated mass is 1/6000000000 or 1.67 x 10^-10
of that whole. Your significance is
0.0000000167%. With a 12 year education your
significance rockets upward to a factor of 2.167
x 10^-9 or 0.0000002167%.

Is it any wonder religion is so popular, why
human nature so desperately seeks meaning and
purpose even in the most ridiculous places? Why
do secular Americans hide behind money fooling
only themselves into thinking that wealth gives
them significance? Isn't it painfully obvious why
society invents artificial concepts such as
justice, morality, and ethics? The brutality and
utter irrationality of the animal world is just
outside the rusty gates of our crumbling
civilization. But isn't it comforting to know
that as long as we're inside we have the warming
sensation of fairness, equality and justice for
all (that can afford it anyway)?

Self-delusion may well be the defining quality of
human nature. Lies maintain our flimsy order, we
find consolation in myths like 'what we do has
significance' and 'God punishes the wicked'. The
constant avalanche of empirical evidence to the
contrary simply gets relegated to the third class
bureau of irrational philosophers.

"Hypocrisy can flourish when goodness is defined
not only as kind and altruistic behavior, but as
sticking to the rules and obligations of the

Savant at 11/08/2003 12:14:00 am ;

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