Went to school today for Chem paper 1... It was kinda manageable. Luckily I studied the past year MCQ questions, at least three of the questions that I'd studied had been used again today. One more day, one more hour of exam and its all over. No more feeling guilty about not studying, no more feeling afraid of exams. This time its truly over. I've been thinking of the things that I'll be doing after the As end. Most of it are music related like band and stuff, but I've also thought about some other stuff, namely people whom I've not seen for a very long time. I've been wondering what they have been up to, I wonder how they look like now....hmmm I've been feeling a lil' retarded and stupid these few days, I don't know why, but I just feel so. I guess its the stress the As are giving. Will be going NS soon, really need to shape up. I have been eating too much during the "studying period". I practically ate McPepper or McSpicy double everyday at McDonald's. After eating I'll just sit and study, hardly exercising at all... wahaha *burp* Savant at 11/20/2003 01:53:00 pm ;
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