Christmas has arrived... Was a complete idiot today. Got my hand slammed by Casey's car door today. Luckily it was the whole palm instead of a finger or two, it would have been worse then. Casey drove us around today. Fetched Chiyu from his house. Wanted to take a photo with his new NS "look". Took out my camera and realized my CF card wasn't in it.... Well, Casey had to join his family for dinner, so the rest of us made our way to Crystal Jade Holland V. Never ate so much before, could hardly walk when we've finished eating. Spent the next few hours at Brekos drinking and eating finger food. There always seem to be so much going around. You see the people walking, the bar across the road, the people drinking and talking in the bar... Seems like there's so much going on Actually there isn't. Its just a lot of people making it seem that way. Each of them have their own little cliques and observe the environment the same way as we do. All of us contribute to this air of activity. I've always found it amusing how people suddenly become nice to each other during Christmas, isn't everyday the same? Why the sudden change of heart? Giving presents, sending cards, etc... Some might say its because its an off day. People become happier and are more willing to share. Nonsense. Its sad when we have to wait for special days in order to be nice to each other. Christmas, it seems, is becoming a festival of hypocrites. If we really cared for each other, it could be Christmas everyday... Savant at 12/25/2003 12:05:00 am ;
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