Saturday, December 13, 2003
"Daily allowance suspended". "Room too messy". These were the two notes i found sticking on my television.

Room too messy? Hello... messy in what sense? Messy to you i guess? So its an eyesore to you, big deal! It won't kill you if its not to your liking right? What God given right have you been given to decide when my room is untidy or immaculate?

My room isn't messy to me. Period.

I bet some weiner reading this must be thinking, "Well you must respect your parents, listen to them, do what they want you to do".
Well screw you you lousy turd. Being obediant or fillial does not mean you have to be dumb. Contary to what most of you pricks think, adults are NOT always right. Adults think too highly of themselves. I hate them. Most of them have been given the honour of being on my shit-list. (Oh yes, if you are one of those types who think highly of yourself, you'll be put on my shit list too.) Why do we tolerate adults?!?!

Since we are on this topic, I want to mention how I totally detest people who think they own the world or something. Just thinking about people who behave in this manner makes my blood boil. No one cares if you are smarter than everyone else. No one cares if you can do something better than someone else. No one cares especially if your dick is larger than anyone else. Everyone can do something better than someone else, but only pricks make a big deal out of it. So just shut up and eat humble pie or something.

I hate you all. Why don't you all go do this world a favour by shooting yourself in the head.

Savant at 12/13/2003 01:07:00 am ;

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