Thursday, December 04, 2003
I HATE this. I HATE cartoons. Most of all, I HATE Disney cartoons. Why aren't there any good movies? Why must they show stupid shows like Rugrats or Brother Bear at a time like this? I hate stupid cartoons with stupid sing along songs(but they don't piss me off as much as those fucking dumbass Chinese sing along songs.. It ANNOYS the hell out of me).

Please, for the love of god, don't waste your parent's hard earn money on stupid cartoons... Please. Humans are already stupid enough, and if you think you aren't then you can go screw yourself.

Went town yesterday. Orchard road blows. The arcade at cine is gone(at least we'll be seeing less of those bengsters there), why did they have to do that? If they wanted to do that they could have done it at Jurong Point. I Hate Jurong Point. I won't go there unless I need to. Its impossible to avoid the hoards of poseurs and fuckers there. You see fat shits with their urine coloured hair everywhere. Their stupid black shirts and their stupid black leather shoes, what? You think you're cool just because you wear leather?

Then there's the attitude. They think they own the place. They make hell lot of noise and run around chasing their friends or girls. You may think you're cute when you do that, but it annoys me like anything. And please JNCO and Wutang style jeans are out.. OUT...... O U T ! !
Please dun wear them, unless you plan to use them as parachutes.

If you go to Jurong Point, don't be a retard like those pigs.

Savant at 12/04/2003 12:51:00 pm ;

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