Sunday, December 21, 2003
When people go on trips, they learn new cultures, shop and buy stuff, and of course enjoy the experience.

Like them I'm no different

But there's one difference. I learnt how people view us Singaporeans when I see how Thais behave.

Truth be told, Thailand is slightly more backward than Singapore. I can see it from the way people talk, behave, and expect things. I would be lying if I said I didn't feel better as a person than them at times, its normal and you know it (we do it to each other ).

It made me think. If we want to improve ourselves, we would have to go through some changes. One way to do this is to modernize, and most of the time, westernise. Not only in terms of technology, but in the way we think and view life.

Then it brings back this old question: Is it worth losing a part of culture for the sake of improvement? Take for example, Singapore. People say, "How can we let the Americans destroy our culture?" or "We are increasingly becoming more westernised, and thus losing a sense of identity"

Is identity so important? I would choose a better life with little or no culture rather than preserving my culture and living a lower quality life. If someone wants to be a Banana(yellow on the outside and white on the inside) , let them be, because you have no right to tell them how to live their life.

After all, like I always say,, " Culture and traditions are invented by men, and they are not always correct or good for us."

Savant at 12/21/2003 07:12:00 pm ;

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