Sunday, January 11, 2004

Chien Ye sent me an SMS this morning around 6 am. She's leaving Singapore for Perth. There goes another one of my good pals....

Watched Paycheck last night. It sucked. I rather pay 15 dollars to watch Forrest Gump than Paycheck free of charge. Its true movies will never have a foolproof plot, or correct physics, or a good story line, but they should at least make an effort to. If you really wanna watch Paycheck or some other crappy movie "just BECAUSE" its "Entertainment" (for those who constantly whine that movies are for entertainment) then you should just shove the idea. Just stay home and watch cartoons, its the same (cartoons don't die!!!! Heroes don't die!!!)

What's wrong with people..... argh. They think they're so smart just because they learnt a lesson from an E-mail. "Don't eat this at this place", "Don't smell this at this place", "Don't believe what this person says", "Don't buy this for its fake". Wow. I'm so smart -grins to myself- . I learnt something from an EMAIL! If not for the email, I probably wouldn't have realized what a total fool I was! I wouldn't have realized how gullible I (along with most of the human population) had been for my whole life.

The next time YOU realize that horoscopes, fortune tellers, dowsers, psychics, clairvoyants, face readers, tarrot card readers, mediums, cold readers, chain mails, magic water, money making schemes too good to be true, and that boy from Mongolia suffering from Ebola (who needs your donation, keep forwarding those mails BABY!) are just nonsense, give yourself a pat on your back. You just became smarter after 80 years.

I don't think its wrong when people make money from people's stupidity, (magic water for you Sir?). People are just stupid. The only people doing justice to human intelligence are people like the above-mentioned. Classic example of the naive watching the cunning...

Savant at 1/11/2004 12:22:00 pm ;

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