Ahh!If my site looks wrong, well, it does. Angelfire finally got smarter eh.. heh heh! I don't have any idea where else i can store pictures which would appear on my site. Storing pictures in geocities doesn't work either. I guess this means the end of this page. Sigh, after all the work i've put in it, its gonna be hard seeing it go. Think i'll just change to a normal plain template, its easier for me to handle too now that i'm serving NS. I'll change to another template ASAP but not yet, right now I'm just feeling lazy.. haha sorry Casey!Ok recap. This week we did ambush drills. Its damn tiring i tell you. You lie in an extended line in the jungle for almost an hour while your section commander organises the section, and sets up the tripflare and claymore mines. Luckily i was given the role of sect com and was able to walk around while the rest laid around with spiders and ants crawling all over them. Then on wednesday and thursday, we had Exercise Gypsy. Its essentially a navigation test, but the hard part was bashing through the jungle. Some places were just plain creepy. There was this check point that was situated in this dense area in the north of the island. It was hard enough getting in. But once we were in, it was really eerie. Think swarms with steam rising from its streams and weird insects everywhere. The trees look weird too, with vines and branches everywhere. It looked exactly like the swarms we see in the hollywood movies. Come friday, spent the whole day attending chemical defence lessons. Learnt how to put on the gas mask and suit. Fucking heavy and hot. After that, we booked out early on Saturday, we were going to the SAFTI smoke chamber in Pasir Laba Camp. You apply whatever you've learnt and enter the smoke chamber. They burn a few C/S smoke pellets and make you do exercises. Haha luckily my mask didn't leak. It was only when they took off our masks and asked us questions that I started feeling the effects of the smoke. Think a thick layer of wasabi and curry powder thrown at your face. You start tearing and your face burns up. Your throat feels dry and hot and you just wanna rip your skin off. The effects wore off quickly though. Think that's about it. Oh yes, i'll have guard duty next sunday. Fuck! That means i book out on saturday afternoon and book in on sunday morning at 7am! Arghhh!!! Why me...?!?! I'm getting sick of doing the same old things each week. Train train and train, then when i'm back, i go out with the same people to the same places. Argh i hate army life. I used to like it so much, i used to study so much about the army's and airforce's weapons. Now that i've seen the type of people in it and their fucked up egoistic characters, i just want to get out and be far far away from these people. Don't get me wrong, it isn't because i can't adapt to these people, rather, i choose not to. After all why should I? Who says i should? Savant at 5/09/2004 12:25:00 pm ;
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