Sunday, May 30, 2004
Got a reply from NUS finally. They accepted me into their faculty of arts and social sciences, which was my 4th choice. Then I got another letter informing me of an interview for faculty of science. I feel pissed in a sense that, people with poorer grades than me could get into Science Fac but I couldn't. Its not that I really want to go NUS, but rather, I wanted to see where I stood amongst my peers. I didn't even get into science! It was certainty discouraging. Well, I'll go for the interview (it doesn't guarantee me a place by the way) on Monday but I think I'll most probably stick to Biological Sciences at NTU.

Spent 6 days in camp this week. As a matter of fact, I just came back from camp today and will be going back again tonight.

Ok recap. On Tuesday we had Exercise Grandslam. At first I thought it was going to be much worse than Ex Nutcracker, but it wasn't. In fact it was nothing! Grandslam's essentially a 3D2N defense exercise. We move to a certain place in the forest and set up our harbour base. Then we will take turns going out for fighting patrols or ambush patrols. Thing is, on the 2nd day, it rained heavily, making the ground extremely muddy. As we were not required to build shelters, we had a hard time sleeping that evening. Furthermore, we had an early morning mission at around 3am. We were to conduct a deliberate attack at the enemy's base. So we set off in the wee hours of the morning, walking in almost total darkness. Tripping on rocks, falling into ground depressions, had our webbing caught in tree vines. There was nothing fun about it, especially when you are so tired already. Anyway we reached our forward RV in good time and conducted our attack. I was given the Machine Gun Commander appointment, a position meant to cover the assault force's advance. The orders were given to attack and we did a good job clearing the enemy and their trenches.

Next came the quick attack in the afternoon. I was now given the role of section commander of the breaching force. The pressure was on me to do a good job as my PC and OC would be watching. My sergeant even told me it would be the last and only chance he would get to assess my performance for OCS. So instead of just sitting around. I gathered my breaching force and briefed them on their mission. I rehearsed the breaching actions with the section for a while and briefed them too on what would happen if the breaching failed. In the end, the breaching went well, no cock ups. Everybody did their job well and properly. The only sickening thing was that the breaching was done on a steep uphill slope. After that, we had to casevac (casualty evacuation)one of my section members out of the area. We ran for like god-knows how far before we stopped at a clearing to re-org. At that point, ex Grandslam was essentially over!

Had live section firing on Saturday. The firing took up the whole day, and we only went back to camp this morning around 130am. It was fun moving and running, firing live rounds with your section mates. Plus we got a chance to see the pen flare and rocket flare in action. A lucky few got the chance to fire them. The rocket flare was the best of all. Its basically a rocket propelled illumination device that reached heights of about 150 metres.

That's all for now, no time to redo my blog AGAIN haha. Sorry guys. Oh yes if anyone knows what's up with, please tell me ASAP, thanks!

Savant at 5/30/2004 10:19:00 am ;

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