Its was real fun during Live Range... The m2o3 launcher was the best, lobbing grenades 250 meters out. What's more, we were given 3 HEDP rounds, how cool is that? 3 times the fun, blowing up targets *grinz* Then came the LAW Armbrust. Only 4 lucky ones got to shoot the real "missile". Each HEAT warhead costs $4400 I think, so I guess they can't possibly let everyone in the company fire the real thing. Well back to the LAW, when the firer fires the LAW, there's very little recoil and a loud hissing sound can be heard as the missile streaks towards its target. Then when it hits, there's an almighty boom, an exceptionally loud clap of explosion which somehow sounded pleasing hahah.. The rest of the week was spent on section battle tactics. We revised our firing positions and all the 1 up 2 up formations. It was fun firing away on the SAW automatic weapon. We had two mags of about 25 rounds each, and i was the few lucky ones who managed to fire an automatic weapon. The rest had to contend with firing in semi-automatic mode. Friday was the killer. We did the obstacle course more than what was standard. Firstly we did the full run down with obstacles and all, then we ran once more around the obstacles in SBO. Then we ran in clean fatigues around the running track: Sprinting and running. Then it was doing the obstacles once again with clean fatigues. That was certaintly one of the most tiring days of my life. Next week's gonna be alot worse, lots of navigation excercises and physical activities. I hope i don't fall ill or anything. Its fun choinging with your platoon mates in the jungles, but when it gets tiring and all, tempers start to flare up. I guess SISPEC is all about finding the hidden will within us. How much shit you can take, how much stress you can receive before you break down, how many days can you go without food and rest. When there's a will there's a way, I know because I have done it. I always told myself that, "As long as you are still alive, you are not tired. The only time when you really are tired is when you die... Savant at 5/02/2004 09:50:00 am ;
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