This weekend was supposed to be good for me. Thought i could rest after all the shit i got this week. Got gold for IPPT test and ran under 9 minutes for SOC, got early book out. But in the end they had to put me down for guard duty on sunday. Sunday! that's like so fucking fucked up. You have to guard from morning till monday morning. Not to mention i'd only have until saturday night to get away from the army. Why fucking me?! Yes i'm whining, if you dun like it fuck you. Fuck you! We all know this world is unfair. Again, fuck you if you disagree. Some people get this chance in life which they should have never gotten in the first place. Others, no matter how much effort they;ve put in, it doesn;t matter. It never did matter at all. Sometimes I ask myself why i even bother, why do ieven bother doing something for MYSELF (not the army), why do i do it? In the end it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you tried and overcome great odds. Nothing matters now.... Savant at 5/16/2004 12:29:00 am ;
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