Did demolitions on Saturday, it was an exciting experience. We were split into different groups for the live firing, and within our groups, each individual had to make a different kind of charge. My job was to fill a sandbag with TNT flakes( Yes, it looks like cornflakes!), and then pass a det-cord through it. When everything was done, we combined all our charges into one big firing circuit. We then fell out of the range towards our admin area. Moments later, the circuit was fired. Who would have thought a mere 4kg of TNT would create a blast so loud, and produce a wave that could be felt in our admin shed about 800 meters away( through trees too). Don't underestimate the power of TNT. I guess that's why so little of it would be sufficient to cause catastrophic damage to a commercial jet flying in the sky. Was talking to a friend last night when he suddenly reminded me of a pact our group made. When our band visited NZ a few years ago, a few of us promised to return when we've turned the age of 25. Hopefully, I would have saved up enough for the trip. NZ is such a wonderful place, who wouldn't want to be there? Gimme a choice and I'll choose NZ. Screw NS, Screw the loyalty bullshit..... Savant at 6/27/2004 02:23:00 am ; (0) comments Caught Chronicles of Riddick last night. Quite a lame show, i had no idea what the movie was about. In my opinion its just a very heavily CGI-ed movie. Spiderman 2 will be out soon, hopefully it will be good enough to make up for all the bad movies this year. Had a chat with the cab driver last night, after watching soccer at HV. We were talking about some things about the army when he suddenly said that Tekong is a very dirty place. Seems like he really believes that tekong is haunted and we must all take care when peeing in places. I so much wanted to tell him how silly he was, but i chose not to. He was driving the car you see, and it isn't really nice to suddenly criticize what other people believe in. haha. I guess these sort of people will always exist, and they will teach their children what they believe too. I may not be an expert in religion or faiths or whatsoever, but one thing i do know for sure.If ghosts really exist, why have so little people seen, or claim to have seen them then? As for the peeing part, i think its just ridiculous. Do you think that there's any difference if you pee-ed in singapore or in america? Do you think ghosts are different everywhere? Why don't we have reports of ghost sightings in Latvia or Boston during the (or their) 7th lunar month? Even if ghosts do exist, how could we possibly have different types, or versions, of ghosts in different countries? According to Christian teachings, ghosts cannot exist( If you said "holy ghost" go slap yourself idiot!). You either go to heaven or hell. Islam teaches the same. Wandering spirits are only associated with buddhist or taoist beliefs. But if that religion is true, how come there are so many Muslims and Christians who claim to have spoken to their God? Simply put, for the Christian or Muslim God to exist, the buddhist one cannot, and vice versa. I personally do not believe in ghosts. Everyone is paranoid and afraid. They do things just because people tell them to, they hate to question, and are afraid of punishments. Most importantly, they hate to feel guilty for being doubtful. I guess that's why they call it "faith" huh... I'm no expert. I ain't dumb either. Savant at 6/20/2004 12:21:00 pm ; (0) comments Dread. Pure Dread. I dread going back to that place. Its becoming too familiar, too scary. I hate this feeling. I feel as if I'm being pushed against my will with a pistol to my head. I can't do anything about it, there's nothing that can be done. Only to comply. Compliance. Dreadful Depressing. Savant at 6/15/2004 05:04:00 pm ; (0) comments Passed out from BSLC on Friday. Finally got our corporal rank. It feels quite nice having the chevron by the side of your shoulder. Pulled my knee ligament recently, wonder if I'll be able to run properly soon. I've been posted to ASLC at Bravo company. Gonna be there on Tuesday night. Right now I don't really like B company. The people there are weird. Very different from the friends I made in golf. Those friends I made in golf were very much like the friends I made in Fairfield. People who made you feel comfortable and secure. Right now, I feel like I'm in some jail cell with prisoners. The people there all look as if they've just came back from DB or that they have been traumatized by their BSLC course. Whatever the case, I am afraid now to leave my locker open. Oh yes not to mention the instructors, weirdos. It feels like the start of BMT all over again. New people, instructors, lousy building. What choice have we got huh? Think I shall just forget about that for now and concentrate on Euro 2004. Savant at 6/13/2004 11:57:00 am ; (0) comments Went to The Chevrons last night. Its a club for the army Specialists and Warrant Officers. IN my opinion, that place fails as a club. In other words, that place just sucks. Had an interview with my PC on Friday. He told me that I was ranked 3rd in my platoon in terms of overall performance. He added that the quota for the OCS crossover for my company was 8 at first, and was subsequently changed to 5. My OC pushed for 6 so as to allow two trainees to be selected from each of the 3 platoons. My PC said that I was in fact amongst the 8. So well, I missed out on this chance. Not by a long shot, but by one position. What a cruel joke indeed. Savant at 6/05/2004 08:46:00 am ; (0) comments The selection results are out. Only 2 trainees from each of the 3 platoons were selected for the OCS interview. I wasn't one of them though, so I can kiss my chances of going to OCS goodbye. At first, i wondered why I put in so much effort in the first place. All the 2 guys did were to shout shout and keep shouting when platoon commander was around. Everytime i was given heavy resposibilities or important roles, PC or my sergeant won't be there. I guess that's army. This is the second time that I've been disappointed by people who 'wayang", not that all of them 'wayang', but some do nevertheless. Oh well, I'll just let this shitty event pass me by. Time to move on. Going to become a corporal in about a weeks time. BSLC course is ending soon, hopefully I get a shot at joining the artillery unit. Looks like its gonna be a long 2 years. Army is boring. Egoism is everywhere. Graciousness is nowhere. Graciousness. Its gone. Savant at 6/02/2004 05:36:00 pm ; (0) comments