Did demolitions on Saturday, it was an exciting experience. We were split into different groups for the live firing, and within our groups, each individual had to make a different kind of charge. My job was to fill a sandbag with TNT flakes( Yes, it looks like cornflakes!), and then pass a det-cord through it. When everything was done, we combined all our charges into one big firing circuit. We then fell out of the range towards our admin area. Moments later, the circuit was fired. Who would have thought a mere 4kg of TNT would create a blast so loud, and produce a wave that could be felt in our admin shed about 800 meters away( through trees too). Don't underestimate the power of TNT. I guess that's why so little of it would be sufficient to cause catastrophic damage to a commercial jet flying in the sky. Was talking to a friend last night when he suddenly reminded me of a pact our group made. When our band visited NZ a few years ago, a few of us promised to return when we've turned the age of 25. Hopefully, I would have saved up enough for the trip. NZ is such a wonderful place, who wouldn't want to be there? Gimme a choice and I'll choose NZ. Screw NS, Screw the loyalty bullshit..... Savant at 6/27/2004 02:23:00 am ;
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