Sunday, October 17, 2004
I believe that many of you out there think that i'm stupid. Fact is, many of you are so transparent so much so that, certain things you say or actions that you do give you away immediately. I may act as if I do not know anything. But the truth is, I just do not have the heart to tell you what i Know about you. Why am I typing this?

I need an outlet. An outlet to express how i feel. Because there is no one else to say to.

-To be the protector or giver?

-To be the listener or adviser?

-To pretend I don't know or to show that I know?

-To do the correct or wrong thing?

-To take action now or when its too late?

Why should i care for you guys when you all don't care for yourselves? Why do you only care for the present?

I shall now wash my hands off you all. Whatever happens, don't come running to me for help... You don't deserve it.

Savant at 10/17/2004 01:20:00 am ;

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