Sunday, November 28, 2004
I'd been looking forward to Sunday for the whole of this week. Things didn't work out the way I'd wanted. Its confusing. Since this blog is public, I shall not go into details. Its nobody else's business anyway. One good thing is, I'll be spending 3 days outfield next week. Digging shellscrapes and trenches. I can literally dig my own hole and wallow in self pity over today's events.
Yes... That would suffice.

Okay... Now to blog like any other normal person. Mahler's 7th was good. Lawrence Gargen mispitched in the last movement though. Haha. But otherwise he was good. Strong, heralding trumpet sound. The strings were oh so neat. Especially the Scherzo, the 3rd movement. Mr Han on the horn was superb too. It sounded exactly like the Chicago recording I've been listening to the whole week. Had a little chat with this lady from Belgium too who sat beside me. She saw me listening to my iPod and she started asking questions. Seems like I wasn't the only one who has been preparing for the concert, she spent the whole week listening to Mahler's 7th too. She even told me she loves the SSO. Haha, that's nice to hear.

Okay sian. Stop. My mind is racing with images of today. Argh. Assumptions.

Too much assumptions.

Savant at 11/28/2004 08:29:00 pm ;

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