Sunday, May 29, 2005
i'm currently undergoing a course at this sunny little island called Pulau Tekong.
Course lasts 3 and a half weeks, ending on the 18th of June.
No more nights off or "4 & half days" week for me during this period, it'll be 6 day week all the way.

Like how it was when i was a recruit. Booking out on Saturday afternoons and booking in on Sunday evenings.


Madagascar was pretty good, but the movie didn't really have a good plot, or rather, it didn't really have any meaning. The lemurs were pretty funny though... =)

Some of my friends will be enlisting next week, will be looking forward to seeing them on the island. Kinda feel sorry for them. Army will be quite a rude awakening for some of them.

i still remembered how it was on enlistment day.
You take the ferry to the island with your parents. Somehow, as the ferry bobbed up and down on the sea, you start to have this sinking feeling in your heart. You have no idea what you're going to expect.
when you hit the terminal, you're ushered up a flight of stairs while your parents are ushered to buses( which would take them on a tour of the camp and its facilities).
After climbing up the stairs, you will meet some sergeants who will shout at you to tuck in your shirt and hand over your pink IC, a defining moment.
you walk towards an area where chairs have been laid out for you to sit. you sit there waiting for them to call your name. as you wait more and more guys start to sit around you, unfamiliar faces all around. after you have collected your 11B( 11 basic particulars, the army IC), you will be brought to this large lecture hall where you'll recite the SAF pledge in front of your parents.
After that, its meal time with your family, the last probably for the next three weeks.
Once you're done, you take a short walk back towards the terminal where your parents will have the pleasure of walking back towards the ferry back to civilisation, while you, will walk towards the training shed to wait to collect your stuff.
Once you've collected your stuff. its time for the dreaded hair cut.
As your hair is shaved off, your freedom too, will be gone.
Most of the time, you won't be able to sleep that night.

And that's it, your army journey has begun...

9 more months for me..... it'll be over in a blink of an eye. Soon i'll be able to put my plans in place. Life's going to be good.....

See you then...

Savant at 5/29/2005 05:35:00 pm ;

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