Saturday, May 07, 2005
Today's post will be about random events in my life.

but before I began, I would like everyone to know that we the bloggers, are leading increasingly risky lives by virtue of what we write on our blogs.
we have A* scholars being sued. People losing their jobs because of what they write of their bosses. etc

and I run the risk of going to jail(I may be exaggerating) because of some of the things I write and the pictures I post in here.


if I feel the need to write about something or someone, be it critical or not, I will continue to do it.

right, now that I've spoken, I'll let the following pictures do the talking.

"Random Events 101"

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shop at the front sells Christian merchandise. The one by its side sells satanic goods. WTF...

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my dear friend after "bandaging" his head during combat casualty aid course.

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you girls have no idea what we do in the army. Here's a glimpse. been on the move for the past 24hrs(maybe more), straight.

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illegal activity in my bunk.

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what we normally do outfield. slog.

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the commanders' bunk after a good 'ol cleaning and packing.

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you don't wanna know the things we do in our bunks...

well there you have it.
i'm so looking forward to the movies this month. its gonna be a movie bonanza this month with the likes of star wars and batman.

right. goodbye.

Savant at 5/07/2005 11:31:00 am ;

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