Tuesday, August 30, 2005
After 1 week of absolutely fantabulous off, it was back to training proper starting yesterday.
Not taking into consideration that we've just been slacking and enjoying ourselves for the past 7-9 days, we were immediately thrown into action.
What could be better than having a Crossing of Water Obstacle session in Tekong on a Monday morning? I suppose nothing. ha!

It was the usual:Bus to SAF Ferry Terminal. Fast Ferry(it isn't fast la) to Pulau Tekong. Riding in the 5-Tonner to the River Crossing site.

One thing I noticed though. Being in a unit is extremely different from being in a school(of course, some of you would already have known this fact, but hey, let me sound observant can?)
We were immeidiately tasked to get into our crossing formation in the Holding Area upon reaching the crossing site. We had to get ready and tie our equipment, and wear our life jackets.

That is different when compared to being in a school, where the instructors will preach once more about how to wear your life jacket, tie your lifeline, blah blah. And proceed to ensure once more, a dry practice on the wearing, and the securing of our equipment, before starting the crossing "mission" proper.

Well, we couldn't be bothered with those time-wasting procedures(the water was shallow enough to wade across on foot though, so enough talk about safety already you fools!)

We did the crossing twice.
Getting wet and dirty when the weather's sunny and hot can get quite uncomfortable, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, that's that.
I'm at home now having a good rest.
Company Off-day today.
Life's sweet...

for now....

Savant at 8/30/2005 05:25:00 pm ;

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