Sunday, September 04, 2005
Some people make me sick.
When i say "some", i actually mean most of them.

Why do we clamour around the bus door when there's clearly enough space for everybody? Don't we realise that, the bus wouldn't move off till everyone is on board? (unless of course, the bus driver is an asshole)

Why do people refuse to give way when a MRT train stops at a busy interchange station? Don't they realise that the train operator has access to a camera mounted in the station platform? He will not close the door until he sees that everyone has stepped in. Don't people realise also that, if the door closes on them, it will automatically open again?

Why do some people like to walk so slowly?
Walking slow is fine, but learn to give way.
Actually the key here isn't how fast or slow we walk(its all relative). It's about being aware of yourself and your surroundings.

Why can't people see themselves from a 3rd Person point of view?

why do people make me feel so sick....

Savant at 9/04/2005 06:41:00 pm ;

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