i'm currently undergoing a course at one of the army camps in eropagnis. for my sake(and safety) and the sake of the army of the said country, i shall not name the camp. know what? I have retards for instructors. instructors who can't teach. instructors who blabber and stutter everytime they open their mouths. n the camp's standing orders..... urrrrggghhhhh its so farked up. this is what one of the instructors said today, "Since you all are in this camp, you shall abide by the rules laid down by the camp commandant" hello! we didn't volunteer for this shit course. the only reason we are here is because the people who are supposed to be doing their jobs aren't doing it, and we're here to learn, to become qualified so as to do their jobs for them. yeah i'm a sergeant... but so what? i dun feel compelled to obey your stupid rules. i don't want to. i don't need to because there is no need. nothing changes if the sergeants obey or not. nothing changes if we become role models or not for the corporals or privates. nothing changes because everything is just an act. everybody goes home at the end of the day and sniffs their socks or underwear(except me of course...), nobody's different. you're no different and you're not unique. Savant at 11/07/2005 08:04:00 pm ;
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