![]() Christmas is Overthe past month spent on buying and wrapping gifts, preparing for x'mas parties etc have finally reached its climatic conclusion on christmas. now that its over, its time for many of you to pack that christmas tree of yours and whip out a notebook. its time to jot down your new year resolutions. yeah i know... "But i never keep to my resolutions" you might say, well you know,TOUGH SHIT!!! there are some who can, and those who think you can't, be a man and try a little harder this new year. having goals for the new year and achieving some of them, is much better than having no goals at all. happy new year guys. Savant at 12/30/2005 09:45:00 pm ; (0) comments Merry Christmas!![]() Hey y'all!, merry christmas!!! tis the season to be jolly, happy, and nice to one another. many of us will be receiving presents or giving them during this festive period, but please do not forget those who aren't as fortunate as you. spread the joy and love as much as you can, to anyone you can, as often as you can. but don't just save it all for christmas, if its within your means, helps others as and when you can. anyway, just to inform you guys, as you are reading this, there are many people who are stuck doing operational duties in various places. whatever your views are about the Singapore army and its soldiers, there's no denying the fact that these guys are out there right now, doing their job so that you and i may enjoy our christmas. take the soldiers staioned in jurong island for example. considering that today's a holiday, the island would be relatively empty. but these soldiers are still needed to be on vehicles patrolling, in watch towers watching the wide expanse of ocean(its really boring take it from me), or just sitting in a booth doing absolutely nothing much, but wait. wait for something that may or may not happen. To these soldiers, i salute you. we don't take notice, don't say anything, not even a thank you, when people do their job right, but we spend so much time complaining when things go wrong. Savant at 12/24/2005 05:38:00 pm ; (0) comments Don't get so busy that you miss Giving just a little kiss To the ones you love And don't even wait a little while To give them a little smile A little is enough How many people are crying Some people are dying... How many people are asking for love Don't save it all for Christmas Day Find a way To give a little love everyday Don't save it all for Christmas Day Find a way Cause holidays have come and gone But love lives on If you give on Love... How could you wait another minute A hug is warmer when you're in it Oh Baby that's a fact And saying "I love you's" always better Seasons, reasons, they don't matter So don't hold back How many people in this world So needful in this world How many people are praying for love Don't save it all for Christmas Day Find a way To give a little love everyday Don't save it all for Christmas Day Find a way Cause holidays have come and gone But love lives on If you give on Give loveā¦.. Let all the children know Everywhere that they go Their whole life long Let them know love Savant at 12/19/2005 02:24:00 am ; (1) comments Start them young![]() I realized that sometimes, I get shaken really easily by a few simple words from certain people. This effect is most apparent when it comes from the mouths of people I care a lot about. Sometimes what they say shows a lot, and most of the time, they unwillingly portray their real self. this sometimes really makes me really, very... very... Sad. its the kind of sadness where you want to lock yourself in your room, put your hands on your head and just ask "Why?" or "Why is it so unfair, for it to happen to me?" or "Why do I know this, why must I realize this?" ~ ![]() start them young. Parents teaching their children what they believe is right. However wrong or scary this picture seems, we fail to realize that this is happening in Singapore too.... Somewhat. the lies that our parents tell us. The stupid superstitions that our parents pass on to us( because it has been pass on to them by their parents). the stupid you can do this/you cannot do this. its stupid. parents can be a really bad influence. But the worse thing is, their children grow up with it, and they get married have children and pass on stupid information to their own children. continuing the cycle. Savant at 12/02/2005 11:41:00 pm ; (0) comments it was sometime ago that i was dreading the national day celebrations. it was a time when everyone worked their ass off for months at a time. its over. then came the anxious nights waiting for Ex. Lancer to begin in Brunei. tough as it was its over. Ex. SAFKAR Indopura 172005 it's over too. how time flies. time zooms by like its nothing. i see things associated with time everyday on my MSN. friends put up messaged such as "20th nov exam period -sian-" or "8 more weeks to the end of eXams!" and such.... now the only messages i see are an unanimous "It's Over!" i don't why, but it brings a smile to my face. this is certainly good news for my friends, but one can't help but realise how much time has passed, or has been "lost". somethings however... don't change no matter how much time passes... Savant at 12/01/2005 05:29:00 pm ; (0) comments