Merry Christmas!![]() Hey y'all!, merry christmas!!! tis the season to be jolly, happy, and nice to one another. many of us will be receiving presents or giving them during this festive period, but please do not forget those who aren't as fortunate as you. spread the joy and love as much as you can, to anyone you can, as often as you can. but don't just save it all for christmas, if its within your means, helps others as and when you can. anyway, just to inform you guys, as you are reading this, there are many people who are stuck doing operational duties in various places. whatever your views are about the Singapore army and its soldiers, there's no denying the fact that these guys are out there right now, doing their job so that you and i may enjoy our christmas. take the soldiers staioned in jurong island for example. considering that today's a holiday, the island would be relatively empty. but these soldiers are still needed to be on vehicles patrolling, in watch towers watching the wide expanse of ocean(its really boring take it from me), or just sitting in a booth doing absolutely nothing much, but wait. wait for something that may or may not happen. To these soldiers, i salute you. we don't take notice, don't say anything, not even a thank you, when people do their job right, but we spend so much time complaining when things go wrong. Savant at 12/24/2005 05:38:00 pm ;
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