Monday, February 12, 2007
I've been talking quite a bit with some of my friends recently. One of the most interesting topics we all talk about were other people in their relationships. Most of the time, i hear alot of stories about how their boyfriends or girlfriends treat them like shit. But then somehow, the other party still sticks with them even though they have been through that over and over again, giving in time and time again. We always ask, "why he/she still stick with her/him when he's/she's such a jerk ah?"
The immediate answer that follows is a collective, 'hmm dunno leh'

But i think i might have found a better answer.

The answer could very well be, simply put, that we do not know the whole picture. Sometimes things might seem this way, sometimes it seems the person is being really difficult. But the critical point is that we never hear the story from their side.

Perhaps they are just really tired. Perhaps they just dun give a damn about what you think because they probably think you're an ignorant prick anyway. Perhaps they know you are the type that likes to listen to one sided stories.

Perhaps.. they know... people like you will automatically proved them right.

Savant at 2/12/2007 11:11:00 pm ;

most people think their friends have a prick as a partner cos when people gossip or bitch to their friends abt their partner its always the really bitchy nasty stuff. you dont really hear people saying the good stuff to you (it gets too mushy anyway). so people make the judgement on what their friends have told them. which is usually nasty. and most of the time think their friends are in a terrible relationship. when in actual fact the bad things happen only once in a while. the people hearing them just dont get the full picture.

lesson learnt: dont bother to bitch abt relationships unless u want ur friends to tell u to get out of there
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