Saturday, March 10, 2007
How long does it take you to read this post?

Its true, some people do not have the ability to process information as fast as "normal" people do. Cerebral Palsy affects a small percentage of Singaporeans, and most of us are hardly aware of the existance of this particular disease. Some of the effects of CP include: stunted growth, speech impediment, slow thought processes, locomotive difficulty etc.
Imagine yourself having to depend on a wheelchair for the rest of your life, you are not disabled per se, but your legs are so bone thin that it hurts after walking for a short while. Imagine needing someone to change your diapers or carry you to the toilet whenever you need to pee or defecate. Imagine opening a book or magazine only to find out that you can't understand the majority of the article, even though you really want to.
Though it seems that CP sufferers lead a hard and lonely life, the truth is that most of them want to and are working. Through working at special workshops at the Cerebral Palsy Centre at Pasir Ris, it enables them to bond with other CP sufferers and social workers, making friends while earning some form of income(it isn't much though).
If you think you have what it takes to be a volunteer, do contact me(or leave your contact details on my tagboard). I am not asking much from you, just once a month, on the first saturday on each month. 9am - 1pm, just a paltry 4 hours of your time.
There is no diaper changing involved whatsoever, it is just purely giving your time to interact and make friends with the CP clients.
Why wait? Brighten someone's life today.
3/10/2007 11:55:00 pm ;