A completely rude, bias and insenstive blog entryImagine the "island" of north Korea, something like this, ![]() We all know North Korea isn't really a good place to be now, especially since many people there suffer and starve from lack of food or proper medication. So let's say, north korea is divided into 'A' land and 'B' land, and they are ruled by their respective chiefs. Chief A says to Chief B, "Can't you see, the grass is greener on 'A' land, you should join us and leave 'B' land". However, chief B says, "I don't think so, what's makes you think your side is better? I rather think that my side is better" Both sides go to war, trying hard to convince each other that their side is the better one, or the one an intelligent and logical person 'should' choose. But both chiefs do not realise one thing, it does not matter how many people they can get from the opposing land onto theirs, because they still live in North Korea. Going to another land doesn't solve their problem of food shortage or lack of medicine. They do not realise that they have to accept help from outside, or get out of their land, or most difficult of all, see thmselves from an outsider's perspective. They must see and understand that their country is like that, and it will be doomed if nothing is done to change it. Now think about the recent execution of korean christian missionaries. Isn't it like the story I'd pointed out above? What's the point of going to a largely devoted islamic nation and trying to change their mindsets and get them to jump on Christ's bandwagon? Isn't it like Chief A asking Chief B to get his people to 'A' land, but which at the end, they don't really go nowhere because they are still on the same doomed island. Do you think islamic missionaries would be able to fully convert christians or catholics if they went to let's say, Vatican City? Yes, it's brave of them to try. It really does take courage. I myself won't have the guts to do it, because I am a coward. Because I fear for my life. Because i know, there is no god that can protect me from bullets. Because I know, no special power can go against the physics of a bullet shattering vital organs in the body. Why do people do it? Do you think Islamic or Buddhist missionaries can fully convert, for starters, the Vatican City? You might say "well, the one that we DO convert, it makes a difference to him" Really? Where was your God when the koreans got executed? If you convert their people, what is going to happen to them once you leave? Do you really think it is safe if you convert one child and leave him in an islamic environment? Do you really think God will protect him? Perhaps you might say, "If he dies, it's God's will, and he will go heaven". Really? You think? Then why don't you think of it this way, convert yourself to Islam, so that you can go to the Islamic heaven too! No? You don't want to? Why not? Because you think your God is the right God? Because you think the other side doesn't see that your God is the true and one God? Well Einstein, the other side thinks that way too. Remember the story above? Each side thinks their side is the good side, the better side, the side worth living for. But until you realise that unless you get out, or allow people to get in(and by that i mean non-believers) or change the way you look at your religion, you will forever be stuck on the same island. And the debate over which is better will never end. Like I said, this is going to be an insensitive and rude post. Where was your God when the hostages were executed? Savant at 7/27/2007 12:26:00 pm ; (0) comments Like... what...the... fuck?Jude Ralston, 32 From Hudson, Ohio committed suicide over allegedly hearing a spoiler from the latest Harry Potter Novel. I may not like Harry Potter. I may not buy into the hype. But I do think that if I 'were' a fan, I would hate hearing spoilers too(that is, if i were a super crazy fan like the rest of you, if i were just a normal fan i wouldn't make such a big deal out of it). But this.... is just freaking crazy. Ending your life over spoilers. That's just stupid, dumb and unnecessary. Some of you might say, "You are not him, you won't understand the pain of a super-fan knowing the spoilers of the absolutely final and last book of the Harry Potter series". Yes, I'm not him, and I'm glad too. Why would I want to be like him? Or "understand the reason why he loves harry potter so much"? Bottom line, killing yourself over a book is just stupid. If all of you hate spoilers, why don't you all stop watching movies? How many times have you watched a movie where the bad guy rapes the girl in the end? Or the mighty USA military fails to save the world from space-lobsters? Or seeing bruce willis killed, or arnold killed? Well, almost never don't you think? Most of the time, USA saves the world, the heavily injured hero lives again, the guy gets the girl, bunnies hop everywhere, the sun rises again. Seriously la, big deal. Get a life. Savant at 7/24/2007 04:47:00 pm ; (0) comments I think I'm a bigot. Savant at 7/21/2007 01:44:00 am ; (0) comments Harry Potter is way over-ratedI'm sure many of you are informed about the hype surrounding the release of the 7th and final book of the Harry Potter series on the 21st of August at 7.01am(7.01am? So special! Why not 6.57am then? Oh no I can't decide, maybe 7.13am?) I'm not a HP fan, and never will be. I don't buy into the bullshit and hype, much like how i don't buy into the Bible, mainly because I know its just a big money making scheme. It disgusts me so much to see people so involved with the book. I already know who's going to die, what Harry Potter's children names are(well, now you know who didn't die) and other information. But do i care? No. Seriously, what's is the big hoopla over Harry Potter?! 1200 copies of the book were mistakenly shipped earlier to customers by mistake, and much of the information contained in the book were made available online. JK Rowling said, "I'd like to ask everyone who calls themselves a Potter fan to help preserve the secrecy of the plot for all those who are looking forward to reading the book at the same time on publication day," she wrote on her Web site, www.jkrowling.com. "In a very short time you will know EVERYTHING!" Preserve the secrecy? Please.... It's just a story book. Yes I know you are a Harry Potter fan. But does delving in the magic of Harry Pothead make you more human than those who don't read it? Does it grant you powers? Make you smarter(Besides hearing you spout irritating things like slytherin and blah blah)? You're not part of a special "Harry Potter Community". JK Rowling doesn't care about you! All she needs is to conclude her final book so she has time to spend her billions. What's up with you fools? Why do you give so much of your time, money to a cause that doesn't really care about you? If you think you are part of this "special club" that knows absolutely everything about Harry Potter then I think you are just fooling yourself. Here's the reality. You are buying a book meant to make money from children. Reading the book doesn't change anything, doesn't make you smarter(you can read stuff from other places to improve your vocab and grammar too, slytherin isn't one of those words you can use mind you), doesn't save the environment, doesn't make you prettier. So why the hype? P/s: Some of you HP fans would say, "Well he doesn't read the book, so he wouldn't understand", or, "The magic and fantasy contained in the book makes up for everything" or blah blah. Well, no. I DO understand the hype. But i do not understand why all of you are dumb enough to buy into it. Here's a tip, the wand that Harry Potter carries is JK Rowling subtle way of telling you fools, "Up yours!" Grow up. Savant at 7/20/2007 12:56:00 pm ; (0) comments Religion works on the premise of peer-pressureI have always wondered drives people to believe in things that were written thousands of years ago. Written work might work as historical records, but only if all the stories or evidence were coherent and similar. The bible contains many sections where inaccuracies occur, one example would be in the very first book of the old testament, where two versions of the creation of Adam and Eve occur. Some followers(maybe all) might say, "well at this juncture, you should not try to take it as it is, rather take it as thought as the bible is telling you the story again in another way". Fine. But then, when it comes to other parts of the bible, do not insist that you have to TAKE THE VERSES AS IT IS WRITTEN. In doing so, you are wrong too. Your ability to choose what you want, combined with the inaccuracies in the bible only serve to expodentially create a big mess out of things. Why then do people still believe so much in it? The answer, which is already written in the title, would be peer-pressure. There are alot of people with needs in this world. Some have no fathers, no mothers, no girlfriends, no happiness, no comfort etc. Therefore, when they enter a place like a church, they would feel that apart of them feels happier, most of the time. I say 'most of the time' because it didn't work for me. I didn't buy into thhe hype and bullshit. Here's why: When you enter a church. You have to realise that you are entering an environment that is designed to psychologically alter your state of thought. Just like when people attend motivation talks or talks by some other religious figure. Remember, you have stepped into THEIR territory. Harmless things like music, people who act too friendly, people who claim to have seen this or been healed etc, all work in tandem to screw your mind up and make you believe God is touching you. (I sometimes get "touched by God" too when i stand up too quickly, then i realised that it isn't God, but the blood flow being interrupted to my brain for standing up too quickly) Now you might say. What's wrong when people feel good or feel happy? There is nothing wrong with making people feel happy, or contented. It is wrong when you claim that it is through God that they feel happiness or contentment. In doing so, it has qualified itself amongst the ranks of con-men and fraudsters. When you go to church, you must realise that your mind is desperate for some sort of 'Joy". That is why we are able to take in so much bullshit. When I listened to Mahler's 5th symphony, my hair stands. Does this mean God is touching me. It could. If listening to Mahler's 5th Symphony was institutionalized around the world with enough followers(yes then it would be a cult then, blah blah its wrong, its Satan, blah blah). Wouldn't it be the same as going somewhere(church), meeting its people(followers) and doing things that make you feel good(singing, jumping, pretending to feel something others feel)? Is this what thousand of years of evolution has made us become? Aren't we supposed to be logical and intelligent? Why are christians learning science then? Isn't it ironic? By the way, what happened to the fact that the bible doesn't mention anything about dinosaurs? How the hell do people allow themselves to overlook that? Aren't they cheating themselves? Oh but wait! Any of you wants to share with me what your pastor told you to explain the link between bible and dinosaurs? Care to point out the verse to me in the bible? Remember not to twist the verses so that it will work for your explaination. Remember what I said above, if you wanna say that the bible has different versions of a story(like how many time the cock crows to Peter), fine. But then when it comes to another part of the bible, don't tell me to take it as it is. Thank you. Savant at 7/18/2007 12:20:00 pm ; (0) comments Why I don't believe in God
Angry at what I'd just written? Do you feel a need to 'explain' to me the part of the bible that I've had 'overlooked' or 'misunderstood'? Do you have a raging hardon to tell me the apologetic defenses your pastor has preached to you to explain the incoherent stories in the Bible? Well, relax. Watch this video of Penn and Teller. It'll make you laugh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RV46fsmx6E Savant at 7/16/2007 12:31:00 am ; (0) comments