Monday, July 16, 2007
Why I don't believe in God
Consider this: If God truly loves us and wants us to be with him, why didn't he just create us in Heaven and also do away with Earth and Hell?
The many friends whom I'd pose this question to all usually reply with the same rehearsed answer, that is "God wants to give us a choice, and experience hardship and suffering", or anything along that line.
A choice? Between Heaven and Hell? What kind of choice is that? If someone asked you a question in which the answer would be either a Yes or a No, would it be possible for you to give a third answer?
No, you can't. This is because "Yes" and "No" are all we have. What sane person would prefer Hell over Heaven?
The concept of choice, as we know it, exists because of the way this world is. God, if he existed, made our yes/no world. However, with his powers, assuming that he had them, it would be perfectly simple for him to create a YES world(or NO world) or a world with 3 or more choices.
If God does exists and loves us so much as he claims.
Why not save himself all the trouble, sadness(at people like me who do not believe in his existance) and simply create a world where the only choice we know of is to "Love & Worship him for all eternity".
Apologetic interpretations of the bible such as "... because he wants to give us a choice" or "... because he loves us and wants us to have the freedom to choose to serve him or not" simple do not cut it.
It's plain BULLSHIT.
What's wrong with creating a world where all that we know is to serve a particular "God"?
It is only wrong when you try to relate it to the world where you are currently living in now, but don't you see, the world you live in is just another result of the many endless possibilities an "all-powerful God" can conjure. If you pointed to a person on the street(who hasn't got any transgender surgery done on themself) and inquired about their gender, it could only be either a "male" or "female" answer wouldn't it?
If our world had 3 sexes, then if that question was asked again, we would have three possible choices wouldn't we?
If God created just Heaven and placed us all in it, then our world would just simply be all of Heaven wouldn't it? Do you think then, you would even ask God why he didn't let you live on Earth, or let you have the chance to "have a choice"? No you wouldn't, because that possibility wouldn't exist.
In a "choiceless" world, the concept of a "choice" would not even exist, and it would not be unfair simply because we do not have anything else to compare it to.
Bottom line: If God existed and truly loved us, things such as suffering, war, hate, crime, injustice, resentment would be totally unnecessary. All he'd need to do would be to simply make us "exist" in Heaven, worshipping him for all eternity.
Oh, and not forgetting the Bible, it would be painfully unnecessary too.
Angry at what I'd just written? Do you feel a need to 'explain' to me the part of the bible that I've had 'overlooked' or 'misunderstood'? Do you have a raging hardon to tell me the apologetic defenses your pastor has preached to you to explain the incoherent stories in the Bible?
Well, relax. Watch this video of Penn and Teller. It'll make you laugh.
7/16/2007 12:31:00 am ;