This isn't what I wanted my life to be. Savant at 10/28/2007 02:14:00 pm ; (0) comments Dos and Don'ts for GuysHere are some tips which I think guys should know. I'm not a fashion expert and i have my fashion faux pas days. However, the following are some of the basic stuff which i think most guys should live by. If you think i'm writing about you, I probably am, i probably am not. All I can say is that I am not targetting anyone i know, i'm writing this based on the guys i see on the bus to school each day. 1. Wear deodorant. You are smelly, yes you are. You can't smell yourself, but others can. So please stop thinking so highly of yourself. Singapore is humid and hot, and you will sweat, even girls smell, so there is no excuse for you not to wear deodorant. 2. Choose the correct shirt Don't choose shirts based on what sizes you 'normally' wear for your other shirts. Know your chest circumference, your arm length etc. Lots of guys wear shirts without knowing how cock they look. Sometimes the shirt is so long it make them look pregnant. So please, look into the mirror before you step out of you house. 3. Look at your teeth. Look at the mirror, smile and look at your teeth. Are your teeth yellow? Do you think your smile is horrible? ![]() ![]() 4. Know your breath. Once again, don't take things for granted and don't think so highly of yourself. Check your breath once in a while. I had a friend in army who had terrible breath. So much so i referred to him as rubbish mouth. Perhaps now you know why that girl you like hates talking to you. 5. Shave you fucking mustache Unless you look like Mr Jenson Button here, ![]() 6. Don't wear slippers with jeans Unless you have really nice and fashionable sandals/slippers, please do not wear them with jeans. It will only serve to make you look shabby. You are not going to the construction site, you are going to a place to meet people, where people can see you. Wearing slippers is bad enough, but dragging your feet is worse. Lift your feet and walk properly. You are a man, have some dignity. 7. Wearing earphones unfashionably Though it might not seem like a big issue, many guys do not realise how ah pek they look when they string themselves with their ear phone cords. It is especially bad with guys who wear spectacles. Guys with iPods don't look so bad however, because the cord is white, it sort of minimizes the ah pek-ness feeling. Anyway, having a earphone cord wrapped around your mug makes you look like an ah pek listening to 4D or Toto results. You might want to consider looking at yourself in the mirror before going out. 8. Talking loudly. Nobody likes a person who talks as if he is selling fish in the wet market. Talk so that you can be heard, but don't talk like a gangster. There is no need to shout. Contrary to popular belief, talking with an unnecessary loud voice is IRRITATING. Nobody wants to know what you are talking about, in fact, everyone wants you to keep your conversations between you and your friends. So please, show some class, and talk within your means. 9. Talking like you are still in primary school. Nobody wants to know how much "manna" you collected last night, or how many demons you slained, or how cool the 46 sided dice you bought is. No one is interested, and it makes you look like a tool (no typo here, it's meant to be tool, not fool). You're in university, act like it. Period 10. See yourself from another person's point of view You will learn alot when you imagine that you are observing yourself from a distance away. You will know how you look like, how you walk, how loud you talk and how you behave generally. This will help you sort out any unsightly sight you might portray. That's all for now, i'll add in more in the future if possible. P/S: To my Sunshine - It's been 22 months already. Time really does fly. We're heading towards the 2 year barrier, and I'm glad I have you to go through life with. I love you always! Savant at 10/23/2007 11:35:00 pm ; (0) comments It begins to tell, ’round midnight, midnight. I do pretty well, till after sundown, Suppertime I’m feelin’ sad; But it really gets bad, ’round midnight. Memories always start ’round midnight Haven’t got the heart to stand those memories, When my heart is still with you, And ol’ midnight knows it, too. When a quarrel we had needs mending, Does it mean that our love is ending. Darlin’ I need you, lately I find You’re out of my heart, And I’m out of my mind. Let our hearts take wings’ ’round midnight, midnight Let the angels sing, For your returning. Till our love is safe and sound. And old midnight comes around. Feelin’ sad, Really gets bad Round.....round.......round....mid.....night.... Savant at 10/16/2007 04:21:00 pm ; (0) comments A long time ago, back in primary school, my cohort would always request for this particular song during chapel lesson. This particular song was song number 262 in our chapel song book. What made us love this song so much was the fact that we'd always sing it very loudly, and have fun in the process. The chorus is as follows: He could have called, ten thousand angels The chorus never failed to amaze me. I felt awed by God's power and mercy. That he could have destroyed everything if he wanted. I felt thankful that God did not do that. Thinking back now, all I can say about that chorus is that it's a load of bullshit. It's just a way of instilling fear in people, especially children, and we all know how impressionable children can be. Songs can be powerful, especially when you feel "happy" singing it. So happy that, sometimes you overlook the subtle messages that come with them. Yes, God could have destroyed the world at a whim, he didn't even need to call for 10,000 angels. But so what? It doesn't prove anything. God is a megalomaniac. His concept of love is warped. And its amazing how people are willing to give their lives and time towards such an absurd figure of fiction. Savant at 10/11/2007 11:01:00 pm ; (0) comments