Thursday, October 11, 2007
A long time ago, back in primary school, my cohort would always request for this particular song during chapel lesson.

This particular song was song number 262 in our chapel song book. What made us love this song so much was the fact that we'd always sing it very loudly, and have fun in the process.
The chorus is as follows:
He could have called, ten thousand angels
To destroy the world, and set him free
He could have called, ten thousand angels,
But he died alone, for you and me

The chorus never failed to amaze me. I felt awed by God's power and mercy. That he could have destroyed everything if he wanted. I felt thankful that God did not do that.

Thinking back now, all I can say about that chorus is that it's a load of bullshit. It's just a way of instilling fear in people, especially children, and we all know how impressionable children can be. Songs can be powerful, especially when you feel "happy" singing it. So happy that, sometimes you overlook the subtle messages that come with them.

Yes, God could have destroyed the world at a whim, he didn't even need to call for 10,000 angels. But so what? It doesn't prove anything.

God is a megalomaniac. His concept of love is warped. And its amazing how people are willing to give their lives and time towards such an absurd figure of fiction.

Savant at 10/11/2007 11:01:00 pm ;

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