Sunday, November 18, 2007
Recently, I realised that there was a general trend in the way guys in NTU are dressed. When I paid more attention to the trend, I realised that there were in fact, MANY guys doing it.

So, without further ado, I present to you,

How to look 'cool' as a guy in NTU, so that you can 'fit in' with the crowd

1. Get a tan.
A really dark tan. Even though you are already ugly, and being tanned just makes you look like some china-worker, still get it. Because it's cool 'cos everyone else has it.

2. Wear a ring tee.
You know those tees with a different coloured ring at the neck region? Eg. Freshbox blah blah. Yeah that, get it. Get the coolest and most common color, green with bright yellow ring. Why, because everyone is doing it and its cool.

3. Wear cargo shorts.
Nuff said.

4.Buy a Crumpler bag.
Like... OMG! Its the single most important thing on this list(even though i put it at #4). You cannot 'fit in' with the crowd till you have a Crumpler sling bag. It is your ticket to coolness and.... actually, it's more like your ticket to MEDIOCRITY.

5. Sling your crumpler bag at the correct angle.
This is the second most important criteria! You have to position the bag such that it looks cool. Other wise it would not justify the 100+ you spent on your NEW CRUMPLER bag! Coolness!

6. Get your ears pierced.
Seriously, if you dun look good eg. ugly, dun pierce your ears. Let's just say you'd look like a Guy pretending to be an ugly Butch pretending to be a Guy.

Seriously, whatever happened to thinking for yourselves? If you are from NTU, take a look and you'll know what I wrote is right. Plenty of guys wear this 'uniform' day after day after day.

I'm no fashionista, but at least I know if I wear something that the majority of the school is wearing, it wouldn't be fashionable anymore.

Savant at 11/18/2007 02:48:00 am ;

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