a disaster is overdue for singaporeThere is a manhunt for a terrorist who has just escaped the Whitley Road detention centre. His name is Mas Selamat Kastari and this is how his mug looks like, ![]() please fucking remember his face. I realised nobody online cares. I say that because nobody even bothers towrite something about it. You all might ask, what's wrong with not writing? Or, what's wrong with not bothering? There's nothing wrong, it's not anyone's fault. But there is an escaped terrorist on the loose. YOU ALL COULD AT LEAST FUCKING BOTHERWhy? When was the last time you heard someone escape a detention centre? Never right? Everyone thinks our police force is all-powerful. When was the last time you had a terrorist escaping? Never. If you fuckers still don't see the seriousness of this, I pray that you all go hang yourself. A person escaping from a detention centre is a big deal in Singapore, much more if he is a terrorist. Why? Because he is a fucking terrorist, because he has the means to hurt you, whether directly or indirectly. Do you all need something to happen before you all bother? Past his fucking picture in your MSN, that way you see him long enough you'll remember his face. Yes, if everyone in Singapore knows how he looks like, how can he hide? How can he go buy food? He'll be trapped, or localised in one place. HE WILL NOT BE MOBILE! Do you really think that remembering his face is so difficult? No it isn't, if everybody do their part, it is possible, at least the majority of Singaporeans know how he looks like. But no.... nobody bothers. Because everyone thinks someone else is doing something for it. Well guess what, each policemen out there is hoping that too. Because we are all Singaporeans, fucking Singaporeans.
Savant at 2/28/2008 12:59:00 am ;
oh yah, they care. they care so much that they treat it as a joke.
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