I was doing some work last night when I smelt smoke, and when i looked out of my window, I saw that there was smoke indeed, coming from the incense bins. Being frustrated with the smell, I started to think of why people continue burning incense in the name of tradition. 1. When you burn incense, how do you know that it will go to its intended recipient? 2. If let's say, you have two grandparents and an uncle who have passed on, would burning incense ensures that each of them get's a third of the money? Or, would it automatically factor in their responsibilities during their time on Earth, and then allocate them the amount appropriately? 3. If I was cooking and say perhaps that I, burnt my food, do my dead relatives rceive the food? If so, in what portions? Do all my dead relatives get an equal share of it? Burning incense pollutes that air, that is a fact, and I just can't get over the fact that we easily use tradition as an excuse to overlook that fact that, the AIR IS BEING POLLUTED! In the first place, how sure you are of your God? If the Taoist Gods are real, then do we have 7th month in USA, Brazil, Russia, Ethiopia and Mexico too? Do souls walk freely in these countries during 7th month too? If everyone is so sure that their God is the true and ONLY God, won't we HAVE A PROBLEM? How can so many people smultaneously be so sure of their existance of their God, and at the same time claim that their God is the one true God? Its like everybody in a room saying that they are the tallest, and that no one else can be taller than them. Think about it: the things we have sacrificed, or are destroying in the name of religion. People waged wars because of religion, there is pollution from burning incense or dumping religious media into rivers, terrorism exist because of warped interpretations of a certain holy book. There is no need to burn incense. The only people you are making happy are the ones selling you these run of the mill paper. You guys are making them RICH! Stop polluting the Earth, it is suffering enough. Savant at 2/15/2008 08:35:00 am ;
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