What's the deal with the hand that you eat with?I was watching channelnewsasia this morning and there was this documentary on about India or something. They were filming people eating in a cookhouse with their hands and some local guy was being interviewed. He explained something about how they only eat with their right hands only, because the left hand is usually reserved for 'unclean' stuff like washing their bottoms after defecating. However, aptly enough, the next shot showed people in the kitchen preparing food with both hands. So it set me thinking, how's that different than people who are allowed to only eat with their right hands? Before any of you accuse me of being ethnocentric. I'd like to say first that I haven't said anything offensive towards any race. I also didn't say that something or a particular behavior from my race or culture is "better". I didn't. What I did was this: Asked question based on logic. If its rude to eat with your left hand, why isn't it rude to make food with your left hand too? Because they wash their hands? Then how about washing the left hand and eating with it too? So what goes? If you are going to tell me that "It's just their culture", please don't. I really wouldn't wanna start thinking lowly of you. Savant at 5/01/2008 10:13:00 pm ;
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