I shall be melodramatic for this entry(Like how some of you always do...) Dreams may be just random mind matter to most of us, but I know its more than that. I dreamt of you last night. Senselessness it seemed at first, I soon realized the inherent meaning behind it. I missed seeing you. Hey Stranger, I do not know you at all. I have practically no idea what you like, what your hobbies are, what you character is like. But I do know one thing. Everytime I see those beautiful eyes of yours, I feel happy and calmed. You tell so much from your eyes, yet you remain mysterious. The whole of my life, I have only seen a handful of girls who carry themselves with the kind of confidence that you have. To say that I regret not making friends with you is truly an understatement.I guess everything happens for a reason, perhaps I'd see you again in the future. Perhaps..... Savant at 11/29/2003 08:46:00 am ; (0) comments Sorry if I have not been updating my blog. Had just returned from chalet at Coasta Sands yesterday, slept till now. Chalet was fun but it would have been better if everyone could have stayed for one night. It was fun because there were not alot of people staying around us, the beach was quite empty too. Went with some of the guys to watch the sun rise. Feaking waited for more than 1 hour, by then the clouds were blocking the sun!Haha luckily we left before that. Headed to McDonalds for breakfast. Oh macs at East Coast is 24hrs now.. i din know that..did you? Anyway, the photos have been uploaded, you can view them here Its almost December, soon it'll be Christmas then NS for me and months of bumming for the girls and some of the guys. I guess the chalet was the last chance i'll ever get to see you guys. Soon we'll be off to other places... Its been great knowing you guys. Though you were all quite different from what i've been used to. (i guess everyone could feel the same). But it was certainly refreshing, making friends with strangers, getting to know someone new all over again. I guess we all have to try out new things every now and then, instead of staying in our comfort zones and such. Its been 2 long and hard years, i'm happy that i've got to know you guys and i'm thankful that you've all helped and inspired me (and everyone else) to work hard together for the A levels... i myself know that i've never studied so hard before ...... To my class of 02S04... I thank you and wish with all my heart that whatever you guys do, you'll find happiness in it..... All the best! Savant at 11/26/2003 09:09:00 am ; (0) comments There is regret. Always, there is regret. But it is better that our lives unloose, As two tall ships, wind-mastered, wet with light, Break from an estuary with their courses set, And waving part, and waving drop from sight Philip Larkin (1922-1986) Photos have been uploaded... see them here Will be adding a link under "Links" along with the rest of my photo albums. Savant at 11/22/2003 03:15:00 am ; (0) comments A Levels Are Over ! ! !Need i say more? PS: I've taken some photos today, will upload it soon. Meanwhile, its time for fun fun fun! Savant at 11/21/2003 12:04:00 pm ; (0) comments Went to school today for Chem paper 1... It was kinda manageable. Luckily I studied the past year MCQ questions, at least three of the questions that I'd studied had been used again today. One more day, one more hour of exam and its all over. No more feeling guilty about not studying, no more feeling afraid of exams. This time its truly over. I've been thinking of the things that I'll be doing after the As end. Most of it are music related like band and stuff, but I've also thought about some other stuff, namely people whom I've not seen for a very long time. I've been wondering what they have been up to, I wonder how they look like now....hmmm I've been feeling a lil' retarded and stupid these few days, I don't know why, but I just feel so. I guess its the stress the As are giving. Will be going NS soon, really need to shape up. I have been eating too much during the "studying period". I practically ate McPepper or McSpicy double everyday at McDonald's. After eating I'll just sit and study, hardly exercising at all... wahaha *burp* Savant at 11/20/2003 01:53:00 pm ; (0) comments For those who'd missed the lightning pics, you can see them here and here Just found out that the tickets to the SSO's "Handel's Messiah" concert is fully sold out. Even the concert in March by London Symphony Orchestra has sold off half their tickets, seems like the concert business is a real good business... Was washing my bowls and cups when I had an idea for an invention. This "idea" of mine might work, but I'll have to do some research first... Most probably someone else has come up with it already...haha quite lame i think. Savant at 11/19/2003 08:03:00 pm ; (0) comments I guess angelfire's the only way. I'll just have to build a website on angelfire too... 2 more papers!!! And they are all multiple choice! A levels are so over.... time to really enjoy. My predicted results are, maximum.. Maths: A Chem:B Bio:B Hopefully in about 3 months time when i'm back in school, looking stupid with my cropped hair and Army uniform, i'll be shedding tears of joy.... Hopefully so... =) Savant at 11/18/2003 08:58:00 pm ; (0) comments Freaking pissed with angelfire.... I dun have time to search for another server, think i'll only do it after my As... So for now, you're gonna continue seeing all the red crosses... Argh....... Savant at 11/17/2003 08:29:00 pm ; (0) comments Bloody angelfire suspended my account. All my pics, designs, hardwork... gone. Nevertheless as you can see, my site is back online. If they wanna play this game with me, i'll gladly play along, doesn't take much effort on my part anyways. The sky was lighting up, i managed to catch a couple of lightning shots... This one lights the sky blue and a smoke stack in the background gets struck by a lightning bolt... This one show a full bolt in the background, the part with a vertical orange bolt Savant at 11/16/2003 09:24:00 pm ; (0) comments
The sky was lighting up, i managed to catch a couple of lightning shots... This one lights the sky blue and a smoke stack in the background gets struck by a lightning bolt... This one show a full bolt in the background, the part with a vertical orange bolt Savant at 11/16/2003 09:20:00 pm ; (0) comments WHAT DOES IT MEAN WHEN YOU HAVE A DRAWER THAT'S LOCKED, AND NO ONE ELSE HAS THE KEY BUT YOU.... IT MEANS ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OPENED BY ANYONE ELSE EXCEPT YOU..... I DUN UNDERSTAND WHY MY FATHER HAD TO OPEN MY DRAWER. FUCKING INVASION OF PRIVACY. JUST BECAUSE THE AIRCON REPAIRMEN CAME AND YOU HAD TO PACK STUFF. FOR GOODNESS SAKE, THE DRAWER IS IN MY WARDROBE, THERE'S NO NEED TO PACK ANYTHING INSIDE, ITS NOT BLOCKING THE WAY OR ANYTHING THE WHOLE OF MY FUCKING LIFE. I'VE NEVER LIED TO THEM ABOUT WHO I WAS MEETING, WHERE I WAS GOING, WHAT RESULTS I'VE GOT, HOW I HONESTLY FELT AFTER EACH EXAM. EVEN WHEN I GO CLUBBING I'LL TELL THEM EXACTLY WHERE AND ALWAYS, MADE SURE THEY WOULD NOT WORRY. WHY THEN, CAN'T I EVEN HAVE AN OUNCE OF PRIVACY. A SPACE WHERE I CAN KEEP MY OWN PERSONAL STUFF. STUFF THAT'S NOT MEANT TO BE SEEN BY ANYONE FUCKING ONE ELSE..... Savant at 11/14/2003 09:31:00 am ; (0) comments Wasted the day today. Studied biology at Macs today. Studied only 20 pages of biology. Went bowling with JJ and ZD and then spent almost ten bucks at the arcade. I'm hooked on airplane shooter games!!!Argh One more week.... and its gonna be over. Savant at 11/13/2003 10:04:00 pm ; (0) comments Maths is over!![]() So is General paper! The biology paper i took today was a bitch though... The first week of the A level examinations have ended. So far so good, i have a feeling I'll be able to get a B or even an A for Math.The bio paper today was... tough. Tough because simple topics were asked, and it was hard to guess what type of answers they wanted. Its crap i think, the things we study for bio are so much more complicated, yet they only tested us what? Membranes and electron microscopes.... Honestly speaking, i think everyone would have done better if the questions were harder... like the kidney nephron and cardiac cycle etc... 1 more week and i'm free. If you are reading this, make sure you visit my site some time next friday. I'll be bringing my camera to school. I have a feeling that everyone's gonna go crazy after the exam ends. Lots of photo taking opportunities . Oh yes, i din know i fund terrorist activities... just take a look at the picture on the right. Now we know where he gets all his cash............ ;-) Savant at 11/12/2003 06:46:00 pm ; (0) comments Its late. I just wanna post a short and important entry. What is faith? Its a "firm belief in something for which there is no proof." If human value could be measured outside the skewed perspective of the collective ego it might look something like this; if only one individual existed on planet Earth they would be the most important human. If two people existed their individual significance would be divided in half (1/2). If six thousand million people existed on Earth what would the individual significance of each one be? A simple equation shows the value as the fractional percentage of the whole population plus any incidental, conjectural additives from education, training, intelligence etc. Presupposing this Marxian values system of universal equality the formula for individual human value is: 1/p + (E/p) p = current world population E = years of education, training, work experience So in a world of six billion people your uneducated mass is 1/6000000000 or 1.67 x 10^-10 of that whole. Your significance is 0.0000000167%. With a 12 year education your significance rockets upward to a factor of 2.167 x 10^-9 or 0.0000002167%. Is it any wonder religion is so popular, why human nature so desperately seeks meaning and purpose even in the most ridiculous places? Why do secular Americans hide behind money fooling only themselves into thinking that wealth gives them significance? Isn't it painfully obvious why society invents artificial concepts such as justice, morality, and ethics? The brutality and utter irrationality of the animal world is just outside the rusty gates of our crumbling civilization. But isn't it comforting to know that as long as we're inside we have the warming sensation of fairness, equality and justice for all (that can afford it anyway)? Self-delusion may well be the defining quality of human nature. Lies maintain our flimsy order, we find consolation in myths like 'what we do has significance' and 'God punishes the wicked'. The constant avalanche of empirical evidence to the contrary simply gets relegated to the third class bureau of irrational philosophers. "Hypocrisy can flourish when goodness is defined not only as kind and altruistic behavior, but as sticking to the rules and obligations of the faith." Savant at 11/08/2003 12:14:00 am ; (0) comments