i'm currently undergoing a course at this sunny little island called Pulau Tekong. Course lasts 3 and a half weeks, ending on the 18th of June. No more nights off or "4 & half days" week for me during this period, it'll be 6 day week all the way. Like how it was when i was a recruit. Booking out on Saturday afternoons and booking in on Sunday evenings. ~ Madagascar was pretty good, but the movie didn't really have a good plot, or rather, it didn't really have any meaning. The lemurs were pretty funny though... =) Some of my friends will be enlisting next week, will be looking forward to seeing them on the island. Kinda feel sorry for them. Army will be quite a rude awakening for some of them. i still remembered how it was on enlistment day. You take the ferry to the island with your parents. Somehow, as the ferry bobbed up and down on the sea, you start to have this sinking feeling in your heart. You have no idea what you're going to expect. when you hit the terminal, you're ushered up a flight of stairs while your parents are ushered to buses( which would take them on a tour of the camp and its facilities). After climbing up the stairs, you will meet some sergeants who will shout at you to tuck in your shirt and hand over your pink IC, a defining moment. you walk towards an area where chairs have been laid out for you to sit. you sit there waiting for them to call your name. as you wait more and more guys start to sit around you, unfamiliar faces all around. after you have collected your 11B( 11 basic particulars, the army IC), you will be brought to this large lecture hall where you'll recite the SAF pledge in front of your parents. After that, its meal time with your family, the last probably for the next three weeks. Once you're done, you take a short walk back towards the terminal where your parents will have the pleasure of walking back towards the ferry back to civilisation, while you, will walk towards the training shed to wait to collect your stuff. Once you've collected your stuff. its time for the dreaded hair cut. As your hair is shaved off, your freedom too, will be gone. Most of the time, you won't be able to sleep that night. And that's it, your army journey has begun... 9 more months for me..... it'll be over in a blink of an eye. Soon i'll be able to put my plans in place. Life's going to be good..... See you then... Savant at 5/29/2005 05:35:00 pm ; (0) comments i finally attended a decent class outing. total turnout was 14 people, the most i think(not counting the one just after our O levels) most importantly of all, it was one which i had organised. not too bad i must say. *pats myself on my back* next up will be past versus present games at Fairfield. we have already decided to sign up. this year looks to be a fun year. loads of activities to take part in. right. time to sleep. sergeant major course awaits me in 7 hours time.... bye... Savant at 5/23/2005 11:51:00 pm ; (1) comments Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith was a flop. bitter disappointment. hayden christensen acting was plastic natalie portman made only brief appearences in the movie the CGI was truly overdone. Come on ILM*! its 2005, i'm sure you can do better! i change my mind and i give it 3 stars. *Industrial Light and Magic Savant at 5/22/2005 10:11:00 am ; (1) comments i will be working on a project. it will be big. big, not in quantity, but as in in quality. i have many good ideas, call them theories if you would, that i would like to share to the world. and it is within these ideas of mine, that many people will find the real solution to many mysteries in their lives. one of them would be the mystery of why we sometimes "jump" , or experience a "drop", sensation in our sleep. i have no idea when this project of mine will be done. but rest assure that a link will be put up as soon as i deem fit to. while at that, i'll leave the rest of you to invent supernatural theories about life's mysteries... Savant at 5/19/2005 11:21:00 pm ; (0) comments the Jacket was nice, albeit kiera knightly's breast was a bit of a turn off..... house of was was good too. amazingly better than what i had expected. starwars was fabulous! nah kidding, i haven't watched it yet.. but i think it will be the best movie this year. so i'll just go ahead and give it 5 stars ***** Savant at 5/16/2005 11:09:00 am ; (0) comments there's nothing worse than when someone pokes fun at the genre of music i listen to. how is it that you can blast your stupid R&B, or punk rock music on the speakers and not complain about it, but then suddenly become a motormouth when i plug in my mp3 player n play my music. fuckers i tell you... everybody out there has, for at least once in the lifetime, listened to and enjoyed a classical piece of sorts. eg: fur elise. star wars main theme. rondo alla turca. etc some people think that, once i play my kind of music, they would become totally uncool if they let me have my way and not do anything about it. so their mouth starts to shoot off and say things like. "garrie! stop playing satan's music!" "garrie! what is this! play something better la" SO COOL I TELL YOU!!!you guys are way cool. you guys are all the same. sponges absorbing everything the pop, rock or whatever industry throws at you. and you think you're cool and unique hey get this.....
cunts... Savant at 5/14/2005 12:40:00 pm ; (1) comments Today's post will be about random events in my life. but before I began, I would like everyone to know that we the bloggers, are leading increasingly risky lives by virtue of what we write on our blogs. we have A* scholars being sued. People losing their jobs because of what they write of their bosses. etc and I run the risk of going to jail(I may be exaggerating) because of some of the things I write and the pictures I post in here. nonetheless. if I feel the need to write about something or someone, be it critical or not, I will continue to do it. right, now that I've spoken, I'll let the following pictures do the talking.
well there you have it. i'm so looking forward to the movies this month. its gonna be a movie bonanza this month with the likes of star wars and batman. right. goodbye. Savant at 5/07/2005 11:31:00 am ; (0) comments i guess i'm psychic. take for example, TOday.... TOday was supposed to be a day of fun at east coast park. thing was, me and the pang seh kings(that's what i'll call them from now on) only came back this morning at around 4 after supper late last night. even as i stuggled out of my bed after only 3 hours of painful sleep(i dreamt i was shot by a girl!), i had this gut feeling that the pang seh kings were about to work their magic again. Alas, both of them were still sleeping. well at least one of them still had some yee qi. at least he bothered to wake up. can't say much for the other two though. utter disappointment. '_____" fuck. i dunno how to make that act cute face la. but its a good try la. moving on... i realised i'm quite a good cellphone camera photographer. take this picture as an example, ![]() pretty good huh? looks abit like some european country. but in actual fact, it was fucking hot(it was only 8am!) i realised that alot of my army friends read my blog, so i shan't say much about the army and its proceedings from now on, lest i suddenly get stirred in the middle of the night and whisked away into some unknown hell hole. oops, did i just speak bad about the army? *whistles* happy holidays ladies. Savant at 5/02/2005 10:07:00 am ; (0) comments So you're on your own, Looking down the road, That goes only by one name, And you don't need the signs, To see lonely still runs both ways, So who's the fool that would think the ties would be better off undone, Did you heart heed the warning, When you veered from the path, That was narrower and straight On the borderline, Somewhere between that plight for freedom, Feeling like you can't move on, The toll will be the time, Takes you off of my mind, And out of my heart I know, And when you cross over, There's no turning back, Once that burning bridge is gone Savant at 5/01/2005 04:10:00 pm ; (0) comments