one thing about having foreign soldiers train with you is that you'd always discover something amazing about their army and ours. the indonesian soldiers are no different. ![]() compared to them, our NSF soldiers are weak, have poor attitudes and are lazy. i always thought that indonesian soldiers weren't that good, till i realised that their training is somewhat like our Commandos. Of course, this is all because they are all regulars in the army, and of the thousands of applicants every year, only a handful are selected. So you can somewhat say they are of the very best. ![]() one thing about them though, is that they can be quite cheapskate. they keep trying to exchange stuff with my guys. for eg. Exchanging their S$20 boots for our S$100+ american made Goretex boots. hello... we may not be very good soldiers, but we aren't dumb. anyway, playing host to them can be quite tiring. sometimes it feels as though our soliders are all chambermaids fulfilling their every request. its true that we have to be gracious hosts, but as the visiting camp, its only polite to be gracious and "automatic" when it comes to certain things. After all, you are a more superior army.... Savant at 11/20/2005 09:42:00 pm ; (0) comments encounters of the cockamamian kindthe staff at Heeren HMV don't seem to know how to find their customers' orders. I enquired about the status of this particular DVD i ordered a few weeks back. Instead of asking me for my customer order number, they asked for the title of the DVD i ordered. ![]() fine... so i said, "Mahler symphony No.5 by Chicago Symphony Orchestra" *type type type* *incessant background noise* "hello?" i said YES? ok la... not as loud as it looked, but i knew she had no idea from her tone. "erm, the staff that works here will be here at 3pm, would you like to leave your name and contact number?" i said, nicely, "hey its ok. i'll call back at 3pm then thank you!" she said bye... HELLO! i quote again: "the staff that works here will be here at 3pm"???!?! then who the hell are you? the bitch of eastwick? ![]() heeren hmv claims to have a library of what, 400,000 titles. but they can't even find the status of a customer's order. how much for that huh... Savant at 11/12/2005 11:17:00 am ; (0) comments I just ended a very insightful conversation with an old jc friend. she asked me questions on a lot matters regarding my current life now, and she helped me put some things in perspective. sometimes its easier to face up to reality with the help of an outsider. I don't know if you're even going to see or read this, but I wanna say thanks, thanks for lending a listening ear. thanks fren. ~ i am beginning to reshuffle a few things in my life. i have written down a list of things to do, yet to be done, and in dire need of being done. Also, goal setting, target setting, monthly goals etc. this is going to be a new beginning. out with the old and in with the new. Things are going to change around here. I'm so desperate for a change in my life. i'm going to turn my life around... you'll see... Savant at 11/08/2005 09:06:00 pm ; (0) comments i'm currently undergoing a course at one of the army camps in eropagnis. for my sake(and safety) and the sake of the army of the said country, i shall not name the camp. know what? I have retards for instructors. instructors who can't teach. instructors who blabber and stutter everytime they open their mouths. n the camp's standing orders..... urrrrggghhhhh its so farked up. this is what one of the instructors said today, "Since you all are in this camp, you shall abide by the rules laid down by the camp commandant" hello! we didn't volunteer for this shit course. the only reason we are here is because the people who are supposed to be doing their jobs aren't doing it, and we're here to learn, to become qualified so as to do their jobs for them. yeah i'm a sergeant... but so what? i dun feel compelled to obey your stupid rules. i don't want to. i don't need to because there is no need. nothing changes if the sergeants obey or not. nothing changes if we become role models or not for the corporals or privates. nothing changes because everything is just an act. everybody goes home at the end of the day and sniffs their socks or underwear(except me of course...), nobody's different. you're no different and you're not unique. Savant at 11/07/2005 08:04:00 pm ; (0) comments i'm back from my 2nd driving lesson. it was a blast! my instructor let me hit the main road today, to practise turns and bends. kinda, i didn't stall at all throughout this time. it was easier to go fast, and i had a really hard time trying to maintain my speed at 40km/h. have to work on my accelerator control though, i tend to give it too much. Savant at 11/06/2005 12:23:00 pm ; (0) comments i've used it all up. she gave it to me without question, but i foolishly emptied it. i know i can't expect things to always work out for me. i have to do something about it soon. ~ Sky High the movie was kinda ok. Its kinda the typical Disney family movie, where everything always turns out fine. everything always turns out fine. ~ it can't possibly be fine if i didn't do anything about it, could it? I've been living a lie. A big fat lie A lie so huge it's blinded me. for so long. my ego isn't helping either. my big fat ego. my pride. my big fat pride. Savant at 11/03/2005 02:17:00 pm ; (0) comments