Look what i found!![]() its a pig-shaped tissue dispenser!!!and what a way to dispense eh? the tissue comes out from the pig's very aptly sized "penis"... this is at Bugis Junction... i made this discovery while having lunch today... For those interested in this very arousing toy.... you can find the stall near the foodcourt... in front of 4 leaves bakery... its my last day tomorrow....pictures soon... Savant at 5/30/2006 10:58:00 pm ; (0) comments Psst... wanna know a secret?you know.... i wished i could just go into some cave right now and disappear for a while. Then emerge as a physically and mentally stronger person. and the first thing i'll set out to do is to kick ass... YES...... K I C K A S S ! i really want to give a piece of my mine(and probably a little of my fist) to the people who i really hate and dislike. People who have hurt me, people who have threatened me in one way or another. 3rd party WANKERS who are extremely irritating in one way or another... As long as you are a 3rd party and you have threatened me or made me dislike you in one way or another, be it intentionally or not, whether you realise it or not.... YOU QUALIFY TOO.... People who dun give way in trains and buses, qualify too. People who rush for train doors at interchanges. The train operator has access to cameras in the station, he CAN SEE YOU WANKERS BOARDING THE TRAIN. there's no need to rush, seriously, its just irritating, uncoth and bourgeoisie. Less importantly, people who dun use deodorant, people who get pissed at other people because of THEIR OWN mistakes or shortsightedness. just die... all of you... please. Savant at 5/10/2006 12:08:00 am ; (0) comments Inflatable Woman WarningA new trend for giving woman blowjobs may well reflect true sexual equality, but it also seems responsible for increasing numbers of women suffering mysterious chest pains, warn V R Jacobs and colleagues in the Journal of the Society of Laporoendoscopic Surgeons. They focus on the case of an otherwise young and healthy woman who arrived at the emergency department of Stanford University, California, complaining of recurrent chest pains. When x-rayed, she was found to have air under her diaphragm, a spot where air shouldn't be. The condition is called pneumoperitoneum and is usually caused by a perforated bowel or by surgeons accidentally letting air into the body during an operation. ![]() But both those caused were quickly ruled out. The medics, in true baffled-doctor mode, resorted to asking the woman about her lovemaking habits. She finally admitted to a liking for vaginal insufflation--having her boyfriend blow up her for all he was worth. This is a rather perilous form of blow job, though. "Patients are often unaware of the open access between the vagina and the abdomen," says Jacobs. "Vaginal insufflation can dilate genital organs and push remarkable amounts of air into the abdomen. It can take several days for the body to absorb the air, and the patient often does not connect the pain with its cause." ![]() You don't necessarily need a man to do it, either. French pathologists report the tragic case of a woman who killed herself by vaginal insufflation while masturbating. Their report, in the International Journal of Legal Medicine says the forty-year-old woman was using a carrot as a dildo when, bicycle-pump-style, she managed to push enough air into herself to introduce a lethal embolism--a bubble of gas--into her blood stream. The pathologists, based in Garches, say the case appears unprecendented, but speculate that this might be due to the fact that investigators do not look for it as a cause of death. They say it may also be that victims' partners deny that any dangerous behavior was going on--and have also removed the carrot. Savant at 5/02/2006 08:57:00 pm ; (0) comments MUSLIMS IN ORBITNext year, we're told, Malaysia will be sending a Muslim astronaut into space via the Russian space program. This poses several tricky problems for the Malaysian government's efforts to promote what it calls "Islam Hadhari," or civilized Islam. This variation encourages Muslims to embrace education, science and technology. About equality for women and such other basics, we're not told... ![]() Consider the busy day of an astronaut, and know that a Muslim on board the space station will be confounded by the fact that he experiences more than a dozen sunrises and sunsets within each 24 hours, each event requiring that an appropriate prayer be offered. He'll be very busy. And, since Muslims always wash before they pray, and water is a precious substance in space, attempting to wash up is also expensive and impractical, especially in weightlessness, where the water will be distributed all over the place. Even before facing those difficulties, facing Mecca - essential for prayer - will be pretty tough in zero-gravity, and may lead to catastrophic spinning of the devotee as he tries to keep pointing toward a rapidly-moving target below. As reader Andrew Williams comments, "It appears that Muslims might have to evolve in their views regarding life in space. Unfortunately, evolution runs against the grain in most religions." Progress has its penalties... http://randi.org/jr/2006-04/042806boots.html#i7 Savant at 5/01/2006 09:04:00 pm ; (0) comments