Desperate situations call for desperate measures. Something has to be done, and i think it should begin with me. I think i need to take on a proactive approach in my studies. No more blogging till after the A levels, no more Internet for me. There.. i've said it.. its now up to me to carry it out. I'll see you guys again on 21st November. Till then, thank you for your support. Good bye and good luck to all taking the As... Savant at 10/25/2003 01:28:00 pm ; (0) comments Since I am feeling pissed and tired, having a body ache, eye ache and feverish symptoms, I shall not spend my precious time recalling the events that made me feel so fucked up today. Instead, here's something for you all..... Making Meth. In case you assume I do drugs, FUCK YOU you stupid pig. Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.... hur Materials you need:
Disclaimer: I shall not be held responsible for whatever you do with this information. As far as I know, this was published with the intention to entertain, nothing more. Savant at 10/23/2003 07:42:00 pm ; (0) comments ![]() Bush touches down in SingaporeWhen was the last time an American President visited Singapore? Quite long I suppose. Well at least he won't be wasting time here. Think his convoy of Cadillac will look sweet traveling down Orchard Road. Mr Bush won't be staying for long though, he zips away in the morning to Indonesia. I really hope something good comes out from this. Cos seriously, terrorists are cock-suckers. For a person who believes in God, these people are mis-interpreters of their religion, to me(a soon-to-be-atheist), they are just plain dumb nuts who have nothing better to do. You can't deny the fact that they are taking innocent lives. What war is this then? No set rules, boundaries, agreements, and killing of thousands of innocent victims....Just look at the countries around us. Sometimes I really dun understand how, when you have the land and resources, your country still turns up shitty and corrupt and low tech. Singapore on the other hand, achieved so much in just 30 years. You could say it was because we had no other choice, but that does not give the others reason to remain stagnant. You HAVE the fucking resources, use your brains to make use of it and improve your education, political, transport systems. Of course, to firstly use their brains they would first have to be educated, but since they do not realise what they have around them, they can't make use of it and. and.. yadda yadaa.... To summarise, they're doomed. Did studying today. Quite an accomplishment I suppose. But I guess everyone is working harder than me, they should be studying like mad as I'm wasting time updating this lame blog. Oh well good luck to them, I'm not cut out for this burning-the-midnight-oil-and-my-ass-off shit... I think I'm sick, I just feel so. I think I'm arrogant too. I speak without thinking most of the time, and end up dissing people off. Funny how I dislike arrogant people when I'm one myself... Savant at 10/21/2003 10:48:00 pm ; (0) comments Burnt my fucking hand when i was ironing my shirt today, the skin got all red and started swelling. The skin started peeling and now its just raw flesh, hurts like hell...Strange how i tot of God when i got burnt, could it be a punishment? Nahhhhh I shouldn't have gone to school today, 3 hours of GP can bore you to death. Worse is when it is summary writing..... Isn't that secondary school stuff?Anyway only half of the class turned up, smart. Today is the 3rd week to a levels. Reality check, 3 weeks is a very very short time, its just 21 days. Considering the amount of work I put in in a day, I would not have time to finish everything before the As begin. One of my rich classmates said that if she could not get into a Singapore Uni, she'll go overseas. What the fuck man! Most of us are dying to study overseas, experience another culture, and probably have this one chance to have quality teachers in music or some other stuff. She has the cash and she wants to stay in Singapore!? Hope this isn't some personal challenge of hers... Bought a new Deuter bag, Quasar. They din have yellow but i guess blue will do fine Savant at 10/20/2003 04:45:00 pm ; (0) comments Anybody out there with blood group B minus? If you are and are interested in saving a 5 month old's life, please give me a call.. I haven't been updating the blog a lot lately, sorry guys. I'm busy with my exam preparations and nothing of significance really happens.. Instead of boring you with some made-up story, I'll update whenever needed. Savant at 10/19/2003 10:44:00 am ; (0) comments To believe in God or in a guiding force because someone tells you to is the height of stupidity. We are given senses to receive our information within. With our own eyes we see, and with our own skin we feel. With our intelligence, it is intended that we understand. But each person must puzzle it out for himself or herself Savant at 10/16/2003 04:58:00 pm ; (0) comments She was looking at me, i knew what she was going to say. I could not bear to say it, too many people would have been hurt, and the cycle would just go on. Nothing good comes out of this. All of us are just pretending to be something we are not. Why wait so long, why go through all the trouble? In the end it just amounts to nothing.. It will be over soon, nothing but a forgotten memory... Savant at 10/14/2003 09:15:00 pm ; (0) comments This is gonna draw fire from you guys... "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." Genesis 1:26 The Bible has a crisis from the very beginning in that Biblical translators have chosen to use the word "God" for the Hebrew term 'Elohim.' The problem, here lies in the fact that Elohim represents the plural form of 'El.' Elohim literally means 'gods.' A more honest translation of Verse 1 should read, "In the beginning Gods created the heaven and the earth," and in Verse 26: "And the Gods said..." Note, when anyone questioned this plurality, Christian priests tried to resolve this sticky problem by using the concept of the Trinity (Father, Son and the Holy Ghost) or the heavenly angels to explain the plurality. The problem here comes that if they truly believed this, then why not use the proper plural translation in the first place? Substituting a singular term for the plurality of the Trinity or other heavenly agents amounts to dishonesty or subterfuge 1. The concept of the Christian Trinity was invented long after the invention of Christianity. The old and the new testament never use the word "Trinity." However, the concept of pagan Trinities were believed long before Christianity and, no doubt, influenced the Christian concept (Plato, for example expressed the concept of a Greek Trinity). 2.The Hebrew word Elohim mistranslated in Bibles as "God" is actually a plural form ("El" is the singular form). Properly translated it should read "gods" (not God). If, indeed, the US and OUR words signify the Trinity, then why didn't the Bible translators translate Elohim to its proper form to express the Trinity? Why the need to cover up the Trinity with a false translation? And why are modern translators still mistranslating it? Savant at 10/12/2003 10:57:00 pm ; (0) comments Was watching this programme on channel U, about hit and run drivers. This family's daughter was the victim of a hit and run, and now half of her body is effectively paralysed. I believe its a moral obligation stop and help the person you ran over, this is because you were the one who caused it in the first place, be it your or the victim's fault. If only we could know how many lives could have been saved if the vehicles have been travelling 10km/h slower. When you speed, you put other people's lives in danger, you put yourself in danger, you put yourself at risk. People who drive over the speed limit know(to some extent) the risks involved, and in some respects the respect for their own and other's lives is lessened, how then can we give "some respect" to people who choose to speed unnecessarily? Its true that driving within the speed limit can be "less exciting" and boring, but these precautions are there for a reason. Road girders and dividers and made to cushion impacts from vehicles, lamp posts are made to break off at certain speeds. This measures are there for a reason: to save lives. Its better to protect lives on the road then to provide temporary excitement to drivers.. Savant at 10/11/2003 09:12:00 pm ; (0) comments Its hard when memories come back to haunt you..... Savant at 10/10/2003 04:42:00 pm ; (0) comments Went to see the doctor today at the polyclinic. Before they could let me enter, had to take my temperature and had to wear a mask. For a moment i tot i had SARS. Hmm, the thought of catching SARS did not cross my mind at all, i wondered if i could have caught it. Anyway, to cut a long story short, i saw the doctor and went to get my prescription. I only had 10 bucks with me at that point, and i was billed $13.30. I had to walk so far to find an ATM to withdraw money. And guess what, when i went back, they found out that i was a student and that they had overcharged me. I got back change instead, talk about wasting time. 33 days left to the a levels guys..... Chem prac's next tuesday........ *shiverrrr* Savant at 10/09/2003 07:58:00 pm ; (0) comments Was taking my contact lenses out, ended up scratching against my eyeball instead. Just got back from tuition. Same old fun with daniel leow. Taking his stuff and hiding it and not sharing our notes with him(he got A for chem that bastard)... He never brings the previous lecture's notes, so why should we bother, anyway he's "smart enough". I hope you are not an A level student reading this, cos you should be studying, you only have about 33 days left....make the best use of it... good luck Savant at 10/08/2003 11:21:00 pm ; (0) comments I may not be where i want, have what i want, do what i want, experience what i want. But i guess everything happens for a reason, everywhere we go, the friends we make, the feelings we share all happen for a reason.... Savant at 10/06/2003 06:58:00 pm ; (0) comments Got the sore throat, throat's dry as hell. Must be something i ate. Din do much today. Supposed to go for make-up tuition today, but i had to forget about it, was sleeping my head off. Got about 37 days left to A levels, not to mention chem and bio practicals which are scheduled much earlier.... Lots of mugging to do..... later Savant at 10/05/2003 12:33:00 am ; (0) comments A sonnet, made with lines of equal length Savant at 10/02/2003 10:53:00 pm ; (0) comments Got back General Paper today. I passed with a C grade. Did badly for Bio practical, shockingly bad......I dunno what's wrong with me, I dun seem nervous at all. Bio is supposed to be my best subject..... A levels are just round the corner and I dun seem to be improving. My future looks bleak..... Savant at 10/01/2003 03:37:00 pm ; (0) comments