I've movedhttp://www.garrielim.wordpress.comThis old blog will still be kept to remind myself of how I used to be. Savant at 12/22/2009 05:43:00 pm ; (0) comments Please Don't Be A Prick By Leaving Your Bags And Shit In The Library. People(like me) Need The Table To Fucking Study.Thank you. Savant at 11/06/2008 03:59:00 pm ; (0) comments If you happen to see this post, then I'd like to thank you for bothering. There haven't been any updates from me for a long time. That's because lots of things have been happening. Tuition is a big part of my life now, I give it at least once a day, and almost 8-10 times a week. So yeah, not much of a life. But the money is good though, got myself the HTC Touch Pro. Anyway, these things aren't what I am blogging about. I would like to talk about school. School is really something i detest nowadays. I guess it's because I give so much tuition, I'm hardly spending time with my textbooks. I feel that I'm struggling. Struggling to comprehend lectures. Struggling to stay focused and interested. Trying my best not to be the kind of kiasu student, racing to print every last bit of notes of research paper, or competing with the people around me. But alas, one will become that. Because if you don't, you can't survive. And I hate that feeling. How many papers do you want to read? Or rather how many can you read? How much time do you want to spend mugging and pouring over your notes and books? What about relationships? Friendships? Health? Enjoying Life? Aren't these more important? I dunno. Perhaps i'm just not that type of brilliant person that juggles school work and life together. I'm sorry if this post is incoherent, I'm just typing what comes into my head. Savant at 9/23/2008 12:00:00 am ; (0) comments I feel as if I'm always being pulled in different directions. I cannot satisfy everyone. I haven't felt truely happy for a long time. Savant at 7/19/2008 12:24:00 pm ; (0) comments Channel 8 is getting disgustingCan't believe they paired defunct actor San Yow with "act-cute" Rosalind Pho. What's next? Pairing Dawn Yeo with Chew Chor Meng? Yucks. Savant at 6/17/2008 09:23:00 pm ; (0) comments iPhone 3G for $199 or even free - but what's the catch?Well, yesterday we cheered about the new iPhone 3G - it failed to deliver on all asking points just as the first-gen one, but still there's no better device on the market at the price point of 199 US dollars. Now today after things cooled down, our agitation slowly made room for some sober view on the current pricing and availability prospects. For legit owners the new iPhone sounds like a great buy - but in fact it's much the same as the last deal Steve Jobs threw at us last year. In USA the iPhone 3G has an initial price of 199 US dollars plus you get to pay 30 US dollars for the 3G data plan, which is 10 US dollars more than the 2G data plan. So essentailly for 24 months the 10 US dollars premium amounts to a total of 240 US dollars. If we add to that the 199 US dollars initial price it actually turns out that the iPhone 3G is not more affordable than the firts-gen iPhone but it will even cost your 40 US dollars more in the long run. Those 40 US dollars sound nice fo the added 3G and GPS - but it's not our point. We just wanted to show you that you should always take Steve Jobs words with a pinch of salt. But we should take into account that those prices will be valid worldwide - meaning European users will actually get the iPhone 3G at a much better deal than before. ![]()
It seems that the revenue sharing scheme between Apple and the carriers is finally over. We even suspect that Apple get their full price for the iPhone - it's the carriers that do all the subsidizing and they are the ones that will take care of getting some cash in return.
Link: http://www.gsmarena.com/iphone_3g_for_$199_or_even_free__but_whats_the_catch-news-521.php Savant at 6/11/2008 11:01:00 pm ; (0) comments I received my exam results last week. What I got was disappointing, not a single A grade for my core modules. The only A i got was for my elective, which doesn't really help much. The funny thing was, I got plenty of B+ and Bs, and my B+ were for the more difficult modules like advanced biophysics. I was never strong in physics, and the last time I did basic biophysics in Year 1, I received a C+ grade. I've become a victim of moderation once again I suppose. Alas, what's done is done. I see no point blaming anyone else further for the grades I've got. Perhaps I can seek consolation in the fact that I was, and still am, giving tuition at least 4 times a week, with each session resulting in me reaching home after 9pm. I guess I can say that i did pretty well. I guess. ps: Anyway I've submitted an appeal to review my modules, so hopefully i can get a couple of A- Savant at 6/10/2008 09:20:00 pm ; (1) comments Today, I went to Beach Road to sew various bits and pieces of useless stuff on my army uniform. I spent close to $90 on 4 uniforms. I had to sew on the Singapore tag, Division tag, and infantry tag. Worse of all, I had to resew a new non-camouflaged nametag, which means removing the old perfectly good condition nametag. It should be noted that new recruits who enlist now will have all these tag sewn already, while those with the old uniforms have to sew and pay for the sewing from their own pockets. Anyway, i shall not say much further, lest i get whisked off to somewhere where no one knows about (aka whitley detention centre). So anyways, while i was waiting for my uniform to be done. I went to have my lunch. I ordered chicken rice from this malay stall, and it was a BIG MISTAKE. Why? They might as well be serving me chicken bone rice. I was so disgusted i kept looking at them while removing uneaten chicken pieces from my plate and putting it on the table. I didn't finish my rice either. I already had to fork out a tidy sum for useless stuff, and the weather was so fucking hot i was sweating bucketloads, then now i get cheated of my food. Fucking cheating motherfuckers. Seems like anyone will do anything to make a quick buck these days. Why are people like that? 3 dollars for chicken rice and the best you can do is a chicken wing bone? Why did i even give you a chance to serve me? Why do i even bother? (And please, before anyone of you thinks that I'm being racist here, I'm not. I did not say all malays are cheating motherfuckers. There is no race involved, except for descriptive purposes. So please, just because a blog post has a Indian, Malay, or Chinese word written in it, it does not mean it is necessarily racist.) My day sucked. I hoped yours was better. Savant at 5/20/2008 09:50:00 pm ; (0) comments What's the deal with the hand that you eat with?I was watching channelnewsasia this morning and there was this documentary on about India or something. They were filming people eating in a cookhouse with their hands and some local guy was being interviewed. He explained something about how they only eat with their right hands only, because the left hand is usually reserved for 'unclean' stuff like washing their bottoms after defecating. However, aptly enough, the next shot showed people in the kitchen preparing food with both hands. So it set me thinking, how's that different than people who are allowed to only eat with their right hands? Before any of you accuse me of being ethnocentric. I'd like to say first that I haven't said anything offensive towards any race. I also didn't say that something or a particular behavior from my race or culture is "better". I didn't. What I did was this: Asked question based on logic. If its rude to eat with your left hand, why isn't it rude to make food with your left hand too? Because they wash their hands? Then how about washing the left hand and eating with it too? So what goes? If you are going to tell me that "It's just their culture", please don't. I really wouldn't wanna start thinking lowly of you. Savant at 5/01/2008 10:13:00 pm ; (0) comments Time for me to show offBy the way, i could have done more sit-ups, but 43 was enough. However, i can only do at most 12 chin ups, and i think i'm slowly "de-proving" for SBJ, and the same goes for shuttle run. I think, the next time, i'll have to work even harder to clinch gold.
Savant at 3/04/2008 10:46:00 pm ; (0) comments a disaster is overdue for singaporeThere is a manhunt for a terrorist who has just escaped the Whitley Road detention centre. His name is Mas Selamat Kastari and this is how his mug looks like, ![]() please fucking remember his face. I realised nobody online cares. I say that because nobody even bothers towrite something about it. You all might ask, what's wrong with not writing? Or, what's wrong with not bothering? There's nothing wrong, it's not anyone's fault. But there is an escaped terrorist on the loose. YOU ALL COULD AT LEAST FUCKING BOTHERWhy? When was the last time you heard someone escape a detention centre? Never right? Everyone thinks our police force is all-powerful. When was the last time you had a terrorist escaping? Never. If you fuckers still don't see the seriousness of this, I pray that you all go hang yourself. A person escaping from a detention centre is a big deal in Singapore, much more if he is a terrorist. Why? Because he is a fucking terrorist, because he has the means to hurt you, whether directly or indirectly. Do you all need something to happen before you all bother? Past his fucking picture in your MSN, that way you see him long enough you'll remember his face. Yes, if everyone in Singapore knows how he looks like, how can he hide? How can he go buy food? He'll be trapped, or localised in one place. HE WILL NOT BE MOBILE! Do you really think that remembering his face is so difficult? No it isn't, if everybody do their part, it is possible, at least the majority of Singaporeans know how he looks like. But no.... nobody bothers. Because everyone thinks someone else is doing something for it. Well guess what, each policemen out there is hoping that too. Because we are all Singaporeans, fucking Singaporeans.
Savant at 2/28/2008 12:59:00 am ; (1) comments The Singapore AirshowMy friends and I went to the airshow yesterday, on Saturday the 23rd. W didn't have to queue at wheverever the places were because we bought the family package, $100 for a carpark label and 4 tickets, roughly $25 per person. When you compare this to the standard $20 tickets, paying an extra $5 dollars was worth it. I had no idea about the chaos that was happening at the shuttle bus locations. 1-kilometer long queues, poor organisation, and traffic jams made the experience difficult and frustrating for many vsitors, many whom were tourists. In fact, if i didn't know about the boo-boo, I would still think my experience was a great one. We drove in easily(minor jam), and drove out without breaking a sweat after leaving the show. Such a major event should have seen better organisation. Hopefully the organisors would have learnt something from this and improve on the situation for the next Airshow. Meanwhile, here are some pictures from my camera phone. Leopard 2 MBT ![]() The first exhibit I saw was the Leopard 2 Main Battle Tank(MBT). Its full name is the Leopard 2 A4. This tank finally gives singapore the MBT punch for our armour. This tank ranks among on of the best in the world. And i mean, the "top few" type of best. AH-64D Longbow Apache ![]() This is an attack helicopter with a tank-destroying mission. It can carry up to 16 Hellfire anti-tank missiles on its outboard pylons. However, a more usual weapons complement would be 8 Hellfires, two 38-round Hydra Rocket pods, a 30mm chaingun, and even air-air missiles like sidewinders or stingers. Combined with the Leopard 2 tank, Singapore has an extremely potent anti-tank capability. I'm ain't kidding girls and boys, when the enemy sees our Apache and Leopard, they better run, because they will die. MQ-88 Firescout ![]() This is some UAV from the united states navy. Pilotless drone that can loiter and spy on the enemy without danger to the pilot. F-15C Eagle ![]() This is one of the best fighter jets in modern times. By best i mean impressive kill ratios, operational capabilities, and even a landing done by an Eagle with half its wing sheared off. This is a true air superiority fighter of our times, however, there seems to be some problems regarding its wing structure recently, resulting in the grounding of a few hundred of these planes in USA. ![]() Here's the business end of the Eagle, its twin engines. Airbus A380 ![]() Here it is guys, the A380 in the flesh... or metal. Not only is it huge, but when flown, it showed that it was extremely quiet. ![]() Parking ![]() Getting closer.... ![]() Rolls-Royce engines. Millions of dollars per engine. You don't even get to stand so close to a "normal" jet at the airport(yes i know, for safety reasons). But here we are, standing so close to a plane so well known to the world. Amazing
That's all guys, I hope that the next Airshow would be a better one, with more aircraft from Russia, instead of seeing the same America planes over and over again. I'm also hoping one day the blue angels might grace our shores with their acrobatics. Savant at 2/24/2008 03:21:00 pm ; (0) comments I was doing some work last night when I smelt smoke, and when i looked out of my window, I saw that there was smoke indeed, coming from the incense bins. Being frustrated with the smell, I started to think of why people continue burning incense in the name of tradition. 1. When you burn incense, how do you know that it will go to its intended recipient? 2. If let's say, you have two grandparents and an uncle who have passed on, would burning incense ensures that each of them get's a third of the money? Or, would it automatically factor in their responsibilities during their time on Earth, and then allocate them the amount appropriately? 3. If I was cooking and say perhaps that I, burnt my food, do my dead relatives rceive the food? If so, in what portions? Do all my dead relatives get an equal share of it? Burning incense pollutes that air, that is a fact, and I just can't get over the fact that we easily use tradition as an excuse to overlook that fact that, the AIR IS BEING POLLUTED! In the first place, how sure you are of your God? If the Taoist Gods are real, then do we have 7th month in USA, Brazil, Russia, Ethiopia and Mexico too? Do souls walk freely in these countries during 7th month too? If everyone is so sure that their God is the true and ONLY God, won't we HAVE A PROBLEM? How can so many people smultaneously be so sure of their existance of their God, and at the same time claim that their God is the one true God? Its like everybody in a room saying that they are the tallest, and that no one else can be taller than them. Think about it: the things we have sacrificed, or are destroying in the name of religion. People waged wars because of religion, there is pollution from burning incense or dumping religious media into rivers, terrorism exist because of warped interpretations of a certain holy book. There is no need to burn incense. The only people you are making happy are the ones selling you these run of the mill paper. You guys are making them RICH! Stop polluting the Earth, it is suffering enough. Savant at 2/15/2008 08:35:00 am ; (1) comments I'm starting to hate school. Savant at 1/09/2008 10:36:00 am ; (0) comments My apologies for my blog being on hiatus for such a long time. There are many times when I really wanted to blog about a topic, but the bloody page for you to type your post takes so long to load that, before the page loads I would have already lost interest. The reason why I am a little patient today is that I found an interesting site containing commonly mis-pronounced words. And here they are: across (a-CROSS) - Incorrect: (a-CROST) One thing I don't understand is why everybody pronounces "Clerk" as Clark, and not Cluh-urk. Oh yes, and Hashbrown too. I just don't get how people can be so stupid to pronounce it as HUSH-brown. I just don't get it. It's HASH-brown. I don't see you pronouncing "Trash" as "Trush", or "Mash" as "Mush", so why HUSH-brown?!?!? Actually, I think some people pronounce Mash potatoes as Smash-Potatoes also. Open your eyes and read the word. The fucking pronunciation is already contained in the spelling of the word, so why is it so difficult. I swear I'm gonna sock the next person who says "At-tur-leet" (Athlete), "Hushbrown" (Hashbrown) or "Clark" (Clerk). Savant at 1/03/2008 12:10:00 am ; (0) comments Recently, I realised that there was a general trend in the way guys in NTU are dressed. When I paid more attention to the trend, I realised that there were in fact, MANY guys doing it. So, without further ado, I present to you, How to look 'cool' as a guy in NTU, so that you can 'fit in' with the crowd1. Get a tan. A really dark tan. Even though you are already ugly, and being tanned just makes you look like some china-worker, still get it. Because it's cool 'cos everyone else has it. 2. Wear a ring tee. You know those tees with a different coloured ring at the neck region? Eg. Freshbox blah blah. Yeah that, get it. Get the coolest and most common color, green with bright yellow ring. Why, because everyone is doing it and its cool. 3. Wear cargo shorts. Nuff said. 4.Buy a Crumpler bag. Like... OMG! Its the single most important thing on this list(even though i put it at #4). You cannot 'fit in' with the crowd till you have a Crumpler sling bag. It is your ticket to coolness and.... actually, it's more like your ticket to MEDIOCRITY. 5. Sling your crumpler bag at the correct angle. This is the second most important criteria! You have to position the bag such that it looks cool. Other wise it would not justify the 100+ you spent on your NEW CRUMPLER bag! Coolness! 6. Get your ears pierced. Seriously, if you dun look good eg. ugly, dun pierce your ears. Let's just say you'd look like a Guy pretending to be an ugly Butch pretending to be a Guy. Seriously, whatever happened to thinking for yourselves? If you are from NTU, take a look and you'll know what I wrote is right. Plenty of guys wear this 'uniform' day after day after day. I'm no fashionista, but at least I know if I wear something that the majority of the school is wearing, it wouldn't be fashionable anymore. Savant at 11/18/2007 02:48:00 am ; (0) comments Thank you allToday, instead of perpetually complaining about the things that I lack in life, or having a negative attitude towards life in general, or just generally being an asshole for once, I'd like to do something different and write about the things I should be glad I have. Its nothing special really. I did not make anyone angry, or lose a bet or whatever. I'm just motivated suddenly to be thankful for the things I have. I'm thankful that I have a complete family and a roof over my head. Hey, I don't live in a mansion, but seriously, so what? I have a family and I've got a place to stay. Instead of always comparing myself to richer friends of mine, I shall be thankful that I'm plenty luckier compared to other less fortunate people. Could you imagine having no furniure at home, the risk of losing your only home, having a mentally unstable child and zero savings? Be thankful. I'm thankful for my girlfriend. Someone I can love whom I'm very sure loves me back. Who also motivates me and makes me want to better myself each day. I'm thankful for my friends. Friends who will come help you whenever the need arises. Friends who actually care about you and know you inside out. Friends you can argue with, because you know they will be as desperate as you to mend the friendship later. Friends whom you know will stand side by side with you for life. I'm thankful for people who listen to me rant about how God doesn't exists but still put up with me and be nice to me. I KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE!!! I want to say thank you for being understanding. I've been a huge bitch. I'm sure there are many other things I'm thankful for, but I just can't think of them offhand now. However, I'm pretty sure I've covered the most important ones. Now that you've read what I wrote. Perhaps you might want to try blogging about things that make you thankful. Savant at 11/11/2007 01:28:00 pm ; (0) comments This isn't what I wanted my life to be. Savant at 10/28/2007 02:14:00 pm ; (0) comments Dos and Don'ts for GuysHere are some tips which I think guys should know. I'm not a fashion expert and i have my fashion faux pas days. However, the following are some of the basic stuff which i think most guys should live by. If you think i'm writing about you, I probably am, i probably am not. All I can say is that I am not targetting anyone i know, i'm writing this based on the guys i see on the bus to school each day. 1. Wear deodorant. You are smelly, yes you are. You can't smell yourself, but others can. So please stop thinking so highly of yourself. Singapore is humid and hot, and you will sweat, even girls smell, so there is no excuse for you not to wear deodorant. 2. Choose the correct shirt Don't choose shirts based on what sizes you 'normally' wear for your other shirts. Know your chest circumference, your arm length etc. Lots of guys wear shirts without knowing how cock they look. Sometimes the shirt is so long it make them look pregnant. So please, look into the mirror before you step out of you house. 3. Look at your teeth. Look at the mirror, smile and look at your teeth. Are your teeth yellow? Do you think your smile is horrible? ![]() ![]() 4. Know your breath. Once again, don't take things for granted and don't think so highly of yourself. Check your breath once in a while. I had a friend in army who had terrible breath. So much so i referred to him as rubbish mouth. Perhaps now you know why that girl you like hates talking to you. 5. Shave you fucking mustache Unless you look like Mr Jenson Button here, ![]() 6. Don't wear slippers with jeans Unless you have really nice and fashionable sandals/slippers, please do not wear them with jeans. It will only serve to make you look shabby. You are not going to the construction site, you are going to a place to meet people, where people can see you. Wearing slippers is bad enough, but dragging your feet is worse. Lift your feet and walk properly. You are a man, have some dignity. 7. Wearing earphones unfashionably Though it might not seem like a big issue, many guys do not realise how ah pek they look when they string themselves with their ear phone cords. It is especially bad with guys who wear spectacles. Guys with iPods don't look so bad however, because the cord is white, it sort of minimizes the ah pek-ness feeling. Anyway, having a earphone cord wrapped around your mug makes you look like an ah pek listening to 4D or Toto results. You might want to consider looking at yourself in the mirror before going out. 8. Talking loudly. Nobody likes a person who talks as if he is selling fish in the wet market. Talk so that you can be heard, but don't talk like a gangster. There is no need to shout. Contrary to popular belief, talking with an unnecessary loud voice is IRRITATING. Nobody wants to know what you are talking about, in fact, everyone wants you to keep your conversations between you and your friends. So please, show some class, and talk within your means. 9. Talking like you are still in primary school. Nobody wants to know how much "manna" you collected last night, or how many demons you slained, or how cool the 46 sided dice you bought is. No one is interested, and it makes you look like a tool (no typo here, it's meant to be tool, not fool). You're in university, act like it. Period 10. See yourself from another person's point of view You will learn alot when you imagine that you are observing yourself from a distance away. You will know how you look like, how you walk, how loud you talk and how you behave generally. This will help you sort out any unsightly sight you might portray. That's all for now, i'll add in more in the future if possible. P/S: To my Sunshine - It's been 22 months already. Time really does fly. We're heading towards the 2 year barrier, and I'm glad I have you to go through life with. I love you always! Savant at 10/23/2007 11:35:00 pm ; (0) comments It begins to tell, ’round midnight, midnight. I do pretty well, till after sundown, Suppertime I’m feelin’ sad; But it really gets bad, ’round midnight. Memories always start ’round midnight Haven’t got the heart to stand those memories, When my heart is still with you, And ol’ midnight knows it, too. When a quarrel we had needs mending, Does it mean that our love is ending. Darlin’ I need you, lately I find You’re out of my heart, And I’m out of my mind. Let our hearts take wings’ ’round midnight, midnight Let the angels sing, For your returning. Till our love is safe and sound. And old midnight comes around. Feelin’ sad, Really gets bad Round.....round.......round....mid.....night.... Savant at 10/16/2007 04:21:00 pm ; (0) comments